Dracaena - Diseases

The tropical beauty of dracaena spread out her evergreen leaves in many apartments. Unfortunately, like all plants, it is sick from time to time and loses its attractiveness. What diseases can affect the Dracaena flower, what is their cause and how to treat the plant? Let us now consider the answers to these questions.

Dracaena diseases as a result of illiterate care

Usually illiterate care is given out by the leaves of the plant. Before determining the causes of the disease of dracaena leaves, you need to know that natural dying occurs after 2 years of leaf growth. At the same time, the lower leaves die, this is a long process of gradual desiccation from the top. Now about the diseases of dracaena and disrupted care:

Infectious diseases of dracena and their treatment

The probability of an infectious disease is great if the dracaena is stained. Rounded light brownish spots, darkening and inside turning into black are alternaria . If the light brown spots darken along the outer contour, this is a heterosporosis . In the event that brownish spots dry up and the rim becomes yellowish, this is phyllosticosis . All three diseases are cured with fungicides. The most dangerous disease for Dracaena is bacteriosis . It can be recognized by decaying the tips of leaves, on wet rotting stains on them, and over oily strips. Infected with bacterial Dracaena is almost impossible to cure, such a plant is destroyed.

Pests of dracaena

Another cause of Dracaena palm disease is pests:

  1. The leaves have become lifeless and small brown insects are visible on their surface - these are the scutes. They can be removed from the plant with a sponge soaked in a soap solution and treated with a stalk and leaves with an insecticide.
  2. The yellowing leaves, covered with cobwebs from the back are a sign of the habit of a spider mite. In this case, spraying with derris helps. Sometimes it is enough to spray with warm water and aeration.
  3. If the surface of the leaves became silvery, and under the leaves of the colony of tiny black insects, these are thrips. To treat the plant will have to repeatedly spraying with insecticides.