Money tree - signs

Many folk healers recommend people to grow plants that attract money. This opinion was followed by Wang , however, she was convinced that houseplants can bring wealth to the house only if they are properly taken care of.

Signs about the money tree in the world

Every nation has its own signs about a money tree. So, Indians believe that the wealth of the house brings a pomegranate tree. This money tree is given to the newlyweds at the wedding and it is on the day of the marriage and it should be planted in the ground. The bride and groom dig it in the ground, and guests should bury a seedling on a coin. This, in a way, symbolic designation of the "first installment" in the welfare of the young family.

In the Egyptians, the properties of the money tree were transferred to wheat emmer. It grew along the banks of the Nile, and its priests cultivated, protecting not just wheat, but the wealth of the family of Pharaoh and the people of Egypt.

It is curious, but in the people, far from Egypt, among the Slavs, wheat was also considered a money plant. Strokes with wheat were hung from the ceiling, put in a "red corner", wheat grains sewed into feather beds and mattresses. In the Slavs, wheat not only symbolized wealth, but was also considered a guardian against evil eye and spoilage.

Growing a money tree at home

This, primordially Slavic, money tree is easy to grow at home. To do this, take the "living" land from the flower bed, garden or garden, pour it into a ceramic pot. At the bottom of the pot, in the ground, you need to bury 6 coins of gold color. Next, you need to plant 6 wheat grains close enough to grow, they are intertwined.

After planting grains, they need to be poured with water, which is infused into the sun. Water should be given with the same water every three days.

As soon as the grains germinate, they need to be addressed with a special prayer .

While the wheat sprouts do not get stronger, do not worry about where to put the money tree: first, it's best that no one else sees them (may jinx and the plant will not grow), and then you can show off the "adult" sprouts, putting them in the best spot his home.

Money Tree Conspiracy

"The sun shines - spikelet grow! Wind whistles - spikelets grow! Rain gushing - spikelet grow! The sun is shining, the wind whistles, the rain is gushing, and you, the ears, grow to me! "