How to make a tincture of fly agaric?

Amanita is a well-known poisonous mushroom, unsuitable for food, but for medicinal purposes it has been used for more than one hundred years. The first drug based on fresh mushrooms was received by Samuel Hahnemann in 1828 and he was used in the therapy of epilepsy, hypertension, various neuroses, etc. Today, many self-collect these mushrooms in the forest and make tincture of mushroom, and, as will be told in this article.

How to make tincture from fly agarics for joints?

This drug is characterized by analgesic, antitumor and antibiotic action. With regular application, it eliminates pain and redness, relieves swelling and returns mobility. If there are several ways to prepare it:

  1. Cut off the hats with 3-4 mushrooms and put in the refrigerator for 48 hours. Wash, chop and fill the glass container. Top with vodka so that the liquid level rises above the main mass to a height of 1 cm. After 14 days of infusion in the refrigerator, filter and use for rubbing in sore spots.
  2. Those who are interested in how to make a tincture of mushroom for rubbing should pay attention to such a recipe: chop the fresh mushrooms into a gruel and squeeze out the juice. Mix it with vodka in equal parts and apply to compresses and grindings.
  3. Talking about how to make a tincture of mushroom for alcohol, then you should clean, wash and cut only the mushroom caps. Stamp them with a jar and pour alcohol in equal parts. Keep container at room temperature, but in a dark place for 40 days. After passing through the filter and use as directed.

How correctly to make tincture from a fly agaric at an oncology?

Here is one of the most popular recipes:

  1. Trample a three-liter jar with fresh mushroom caps, cover with a kapron lid and lower it into the cellar for 45 days. This time is necessary for the formation of a large amount of juice, which must be filtered through the gauze fabric.
  2. Wait until the sediment settles and carefully poured into another container, so that the settled substance remains in the old container. Connect with alcohol in a ratio of 4: 1.

The scheme of reception is selected in each case based on the location of the tumor, the stage of the disease, etc. In any case, drink starts from one drop a day, increasing the dosage daily by one more drop. Having reached the maximum dosage, which can vary from 10 to 30 drops and above, it is recommended to stick to it for a week, and then gradually return to 1 drop.

After the course of treatment, which should not coincide with the course of chemotherapy, it is recommended to cleanse the body and be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

How to make tincture of mushroom from diabetes?

The drug, prepared according to this recipe, is recommended for thyroid gland diseases, adenoma of the prostate gland, gynecological ailments - myomas, painful menstruation, whites, etc. It is able to cope with the decline of power, physical and mental overwork, improve the condition in diabetes . However, the dosage can only be prescribed by a phyto-therapeutist, but the maximum dose is 30 drops at a time.

Here is the recipe:

  1. Freshly washed mushrooms in an amount of 5 pieces to grind and fold in a glass jar, fill 1 liter of vodka.
  2. Close the lid and remove it for 2 months in a dry, dark and cool place. Then filter and take drop by drop.

It must be remembered that it is very toxic, therefore, at the first signs of poisoning - diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and other symptoms characteristic for intoxication with fungi - confusion, hallucinations and others, it is urgent to call an ambulance.