First snow - signs

Up to now, many different signs have come up that continue to prove their relevance. This is due to the fact that they appeared not just because of it, but because of many years of observation. In the past, people compared different facts, looking for a certain pattern in events. All this became the basis for the emergence of superstitions.

Signs about the first snow

Most of the superstitions have a connection with the phenomena of nature, they predicted not only the weather, but also various events relating to the near future.

Common signs of the first snow:

  1. If you wake up in the morning, you saw snow on the ground, so you can learn from it about your own future. It is believed that if the snow lay flat, and there was not one trace on it, then in the next three months life will be stable without any problems. In the event that there were many traces, the sign says that it is necessary to expect various kinds of troubles, and they will be connected, most likely, with the finance.
  2. The first snow fell in the fall and there was a snowstorm, so, in the near future, winter will not come.
  3. A well-known sign that if the first snow lay flat, then we should expect an early spring.
  4. In the event that the snow fell, when there was frost, then the winter will be dry and the summer warm and sunny.
  5. Another popular sign about the first snow - if it fell on wet land, it will lie for a long time, and if on dry, then wait for the recurrence of precipitation.
  6. In ancient times, people believed that this winter comes 40 days after the first snow fell.
  7. If the snow went at night, then it is still long on the ground, and if in the daytime, it quickly melt.
  8. Wet and dense snow promises a wet summer, and a light and fluffy heralds a dry summer.

It is believed that if you eat a little bit of the first snow and make a wish, it will certainly come true.