Woman Dragon

Woman Dragon is a complex, intelligent and practical person. It is different, depending on who is near it: with some it will show rigidity, with others - the kindness of one's heart. However, if it is a matter of defending their interests, it will in any case be intractable and persistent.

What is she - a Dragon Woman?

Usually such people are very self-confident, she is not afraid of criticism, no one's opinion at all. From the outside she looks cold and haughty. As a rule, such a woman is very sociable, and is an inveterate careerist.

In all this woman shows her authority: the households walk on tiptoe, all the cases are distributed between them and are performed on time. She knows how to make others follow her orders and instructions.

In general, such a woman is very talented, she likes to set goals and go ahead until she achieves her goal. Most of the representatives have developed leadership qualities, they are able to lead the team. Characterization of the Dragon-woman does not do without the indication that such a woman adores praise and even flattery. However, it can not be said that she manifests this - she is inclined to take notice for granted.

Dragon woman in love

A woman born in the year of the Dragon is often cheerful and cheerful, likes to gather in big companies and get acquainted with new people.

With men, such a lady willingly starts nice conversations, compliments and can even flirt, but she will never allow herself anything like this with her man. It is very effective and has good manners, which allows it not only to be popular, but also be able to manipulate men. Weak morally, men should stay away from it - she quickly subordinate any of them, and it is unlikely that it will make him happier. However, even such a person can offer her to combine a legitimate marriage, without seeing her destructive power.

A dragon-woman in sex is rather passionate, but a great role for her is played by narcissism in the process of a love game. It is difficult to say that this is its plus, rather it is just a feature of such ladies.

As a rule, such a woman chooses from several fans, because she is not deprived of attention. Anyone who decides to win it will have to compete with rivals who also pretend to have relations with it.

To win it is simple: you need to flatter her pride and say compliments. If you want to criticize it - it is better to immediately break this relationship and do not waste time in vain. Having won such a woman, a man imperceptibly for himself (and sometimes realizing it) does not take the leading position - her such a woman will not yield to anyone.

Some dragons suffer from the fact that they can not find a man for themselves because of excessive power of character and habit of living reason. The dragon is a masculine sign, and women born this year have habits and thinking that are more suitable for a stronger sex.

Compatibility of a female Dragon

Consider the compatibility of this complex and contradictory woman with other signs of the zodiac. A dragon-woman gets along well with herself-another dragon. Although the battle for primacy will be frequent in such an alliance. In addition to the Dragon, the ideal partners for her will be the Rat and the Monkey.

A convenient union in which there will be no quarrels and scandals, one can call the marriage of the Dragon with the Dog, the Rabbit or the Bull. In these cases there will be no frenzied passion, but there will be stability.

There are also two signs, the relationship with which the Dragon is contraindicated: the Goat and the Boar. These relations should be avoided in private life and at work.