How to win a Scorpio man?

If you do not have a plan yet, how to win the love of the Scorpio man, then the ancient science of astrology will help you to cope with the task. With its help you can make a detailed psychological portrait, find out what you like and what, on the contrary, repels. All this information will greatly facilitate the process of conquering the man you like.

How to win a Scorpio man?

Tactics need to be built in such a way that the man was convinced that it was he who won the woman, but, by no means the other way around. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are lovers of the secret and unidentified, which goes on to search for a companion of life. Scorpios prefer mysterious ladies to open books. They will necessarily pay attention to a woman who has hidden magnetism and inner charm.

Tips on how to seduce a Scorpio man:

  1. The strategy of conquest is recommended to be built according to the type of game in cat and mouse, that is, the woman must constantly change her behavior, for example, today she shows the location, and tomorrow she behaves detached.
  2. As for appearance, Scorpios prefer spectacular women who attract the attention of the male.
  3. For serious relations to representatives of this sign of the zodiac, it is important that there is a female friend in the room, in which he never doubts.
  4. When developing a plan for how to win the heart of a Scorpio man, one should take into account that in no case can one deceive a partner and wear some kind of mask, since this is not forgiven.
  5. In communication with the representatives of this sign you can not be an open book and immediately tell all the secrets. To build relationships it is important to keep intrigue to attract a man.
  6. Understanding the topic of how to win the Scorpio guy, it is worth saying that for the representative of this sign, inner peace and intellect are of great importance. He will never pay attention to stupid and simple women, with whom there is nothing to talk about. Want to conquer a man, then be sure to try to at least superficially understand his interests, in order to be able to support the conversation.
  7. In no case should Scornopia be ridiculed or humiliated, since such behavior acts on him repulsively.
  8. An important component of a strong relationship is loyalty. Men Scorpions are very jealous, so their chosen one should in no case give reason to doubt it. It should be noted that there are always a lot of women around Scorpio himself, because he attracts them like a magnet, so only a self-assured and unruly lady can get along with them.
  9. In order not to alienate a man from him, do not try to confuse him with feelings and do not make him confess his love. Such an interrogation will be similar to torture, which will only trigger aggression.
  10. Another important advice that will help keep Scorpio - is For him, a worthy opponent, showing a strong character. The main thing is to act with cunning and wisdom, so that the man believes that he is always ahead.

As you know Scorpios are the sexiest signs of the zodiac, and the intimate question for them is of particular importance. To a man remembered sex for a long time and wanted to repeat contact, you need to understand where the erogenous points of Scorpio are. The main sexual energy of representatives of this sign of the zodiac is concentrated in the genitals, therefore any touch in this area causes a storm of emotions. A man gets a huge pleasure from an erotic massage. For example, you can gently scratch your back and stomach, caress your nipples or penis.