Scar after caesarean section

After Caesarean section of many young women, a rather unaesthetic kind of scar on the abdomen starts to disturb. Seeing a fresh postoperative suture, moms begin to panic, thinking that such a scar will remain forever. However, we hasten to reassure our readers - gradually the scar after cesarean section will become less noticeable, and eventually, it will acquire a weakly expressed color and an unremarkable appearance.

But different indications and conditions of the operation leave on the body of women and various kinds of scars. Some patients have small thin stitches and striae, others have rather large thickened formations. The seam after cesarean heals differently in each case, and subsequently looks differently.

Stages and terms of healing of the scar after cesarean section

Doctors distinguish three stages of healing of postoperative scars with the subsequent formation of a scar:

  1. The initial stage of scar healing after cesarean section is 6-7 days and ends with the formation of a primary scar. During this period, the scar from cesarean, as a rule, has a bright pink color with clearly marked sewn edges and traces of threads.
  2. The healing process continues - the scar after cesarean still hurts, but already thickens and acquires a red-violet color. This period lasts approximately three weeks after the operation and is characterized by cessation or reduction of pain in the seam area.
  3. The final stage of scar formation, when there is an increased growth of collagen, as a result of which the first gentle collagen is replaced by the subsequent strong and hard. The connective tissue and epithelium fill the incision of the suture, and the final dense scar is already formed. This period lasts more than a year and after this period, removal of the scar after cesarean becomes a difficult task.

How to remove the scar after cesarean section?

It should immediately warn young women that it is impossible to remove the scar from Caesarean without a trace. This is physiologically impossible, and one should not succumb to the tricks of advertising and the sly sellers of "miracle funds." To date, there are several effective methods to deal with postoperative scars in order to make them less visible.

Plastic suture excision

It consists in the repeated dissection of the scar and the removal of the overgrown vessels and coarse collagen. It is performed under local anesthesia and can be combined with abdominoplasty - removing excess skin with the formation of a new even contour of the abdomen. The most effective and efficient procedure, however, requires considerable material costs and physical fitness for health.

Laser resurfacing after cesarean section

The method has a number of contraindications and is carried out repeatedly. For a complete cycle, it may take from 5 to 10 procedures, depending on how much time has passed after the operation and how the scar looks after cesarean at the moment. During the procedure, the laser device layer by layer removes the scar tissue from the surface of the skin. After the end of the cycle, antibiotics will be needed to exclude a foci of infection in the scar area.

Grinding of the seam with aluminum oxide

More sparing way compared to the previous two. The principle of operation is similar to laser grinding, only in this case alumina microparticles are used as a peeling tool. A total of 7-8 procedures with a 10-day interval between them.

Surface and deep pilling of the scar after cesarean

The method consists in surface treatment of the scarred skin of the rumen with fruit acids (surface pilling) followed by deep cleansing of the skin with chemicals (chemical deep pilling). The method is less effective than the previous ones, but it is less expensive and helps to achieve good results.

Cesarean section tattoo

Many women are not satisfied with the appearance of the scar, even a few years after cesarean. Often this happens if no measures have been taken on time to remove cosmetic defects of the postoperative suture using the above methods. And increasingly young fashionable mothers resort to the services of tattoo parlors, offering application different patterns in the scar area.

Tattooing on the cesarean scar really helps to hide flaws and oversized suture sizes, but no one can guarantee the safety of this method. It should be aware of the full extent of the risk of the procedure, because the likelihood of infection or dishonesty of the master is quite high. Take this issue with maximum responsibility, because your health, and perhaps life, can depend on it.

Whatever the scar after cesarean section, remember - the main thing in your life is that you gave birth to a beautiful child, and the operation helped you to fulfill the main female destiny.