World Health Day

Health is one of the main values ​​and the most valuable wealth of a person. From the state of health, most of everything depends on everything else in people's lives. This gift of nature is simultaneously a system with an amazing safety margin, and a very fragile gift.

On April 7, 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) was founded to address all issues related to the health of mankind. Then, beginning in 1950, the April 7 date became a World Health Day holiday. In each year this holiday is devoted to a certain topic. For example, the theme of 2013 is hypertension (high blood pressure).

During the celebration of World Health Day in Ukraine, there are free consultations of various narrow specialists (for example, endocrinologists, neurologists etc.), gymnastics classes and classes where you can learn first aid skills, measure blood pressure, etc.

The Day of Health in Kazakhstan is a very popular holiday. The leadership of the republic is trying to pay as much attention to public health as possible, actively promoting healthy and active lifestyles, abandoning bad habits and increasing the literacy of citizens in the field of health.

World Health Day

This day is not only a holiday, but also an additional opportunity to attract as much attention of the population and power structures to problems as the health of nations and the health system itself. At the moment, there is an acute shortage of skilled health workers almost all over the world. To a greater extent, this applies to narrow specialists in small towns. In large cities, too, there are many problems associated with the staffing and the state of medical buildings.

Also throughout the year there are many more dates dedicated to health. Since 1992, every October 10 is celebrated World Mental Health Day, designed to draw people's attention to the problems of psychological health, which is no less important than the physical well-being of every person. In Russia, the Day of psychological health is included in the calendar of holidays in 2002.

In modern conditions of life, stress, unfortunately, has become ordinary and familiar. A very negative impact on the human psyche is exerted by the ever-accelerating pace of human life (especially in large cities), information congestion, all kinds of crises, cataclysms and so on. Constant lack of time and lack of proper rest, opportunities to relax, and most importantly, inadequate communication between people with each other increasingly lead to depression and various personality disorders. Therefore, the issue of the psychological health of mankind can not be ignored.

In Russia, the problem of public health and the development and improvement of the health care system is very acute. Therefore, All-Russian days of health should become popular holidays, which will carry not only entertaining, but also cognitive semantic load, to call for solving real problems in the field of medicine. For example, actively spend the days of women's health, urging women, if there are problems, to apply to women's clinics on time, and the authorities to improve the work of the medical institutions themselves. Also, such a field of medicine as pediatrics is of great importance for the further development of a healthy society and requires reforms.