Multiple sclerosis - what is it, and who is at risk?

Normal work of the brain and spinal cord is provided by nerve fibers. Damage to their membrane is called sclerosis, this disease has nothing to do with memory impairments and absent-mindedness in old age. Pathology affects young people aged 15 to 40-45 years.

Multiple sclerosis - what is it?

Because of the frequent use of the diagnosis in question in the wrong meaning, many patients ignore his early symptoms. It is important not to confuse senile changes in the functions of the brain and multiple sclerosis - what is this: chronic autoimmune disease, in which the destruction of the nervous tissue and its replacement with scarring (connective) occurs.

A similar disease is encephalomyelitis. According to the clinical picture and mechanisms of development, it is almost similar to sclerosis, but these pathologies should be differentiated at the stage of diagnosis. Disseminated encephalomyelitis is an acute autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation and damage to certain areas of nerve fibers. It has no chronic course and is limited to one exacerbation.

Multiple sclerosis - the causes of

Scientists have not yet figured out why the described disease develops. It was established that multiple sclerosis is more often found in people of the Caucasian race at the age of about 30, and women are more vulnerable to it. The prevalence of pathology increases from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere. There are several theories explaining multiple sclerosis - the reasons are supposedly the following:

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

The clinical picture depends on the time of the progression of the disease, the localization and the vastness of the lesion of nerve fibers. In the early stages it is almost impossible to detect multiple sclerosis - the symptoms are either absent or disappear quickly. Functions of damaged nerve tissues begin to perform healthy fibers. Symptoms can be detected only if the brain and spinal cord are severely disrupted, by 40-50%.

The first signs of multiple sclerosis

Early manifestations of the disease correspond to the localization of damaged neurons. Multiple sclerosis proceeds individually, one patient never shows all the symptoms at the same time. Signs of pathology:

The first symptoms of multiple sclerosis can affect the emotional sphere:

Stages of multiple sclerosis

The degree of lesion of nerve fibers is estimated on the 2 nd scale:

  1. FSS - the state of functional systems. Depending on the severity of the damage of different conducting regions of the brain, scores from 0 to 6 are displayed. The scale is used for diagnosis.
  2. EDSS - extended assessment of disability. It is often used in drug testing and during dynamic observation. The stage of disability is estimated in points from 0 to 10.

In the early stages of progression (to the middle of each scale), the disease under consideration and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis proceed identically. Later, there are marked signs, characteristic only of sclerosis:

Multiple Sclerosis - Diagnosis

Special laboratory tests or hardware studies to identify this disease does not exist yet. The diagnosis of "multiple sclerosis" is established on the basis of symptoms that correspond to one of their MacDonald criteria:

  1. Signs of damage to nerve fibers in at least 2 foci. Exacerbations were already twice or happened more often.
  2. Objective symptoms of replacement of nervous tissue in one focus. Exacerbations were observed 2 times or more.
  3. Clinical manifestations of sclerosis in 2 or more outbreaks. The aggravation occurred 1 time.
  4. Specific signs of damage to neurons in 1 focus. The exacerbation was once (clinically isolated syndrome).
  5. Gradual progression of symptoms resembling multiple sclerosis.

To confirm the alleged diagnosis and its differentiation with other diseases, sometimes additional methods are used:

Treatment of multiple sclerosis

The approach to therapy is developed depending on the nature of the course and severity of the symptoms. The answer to the question is whether it is possible to cure multiple sclerosis completely, negative. It is a chronic illness that is constantly progressing. Therapy helps to reduce the frequency of recurrence of the disease and improve the quality of human life, reduce clinical manifestations.

Multiple Sclerosis - drugs

Until the exact causes and pathogens are identified, there is no special medication. All pharmacological agents are selected strictly individually and are necessary to stop the signs of nerve fiber damage. The basic remedy for multiple sclerosis is the immunosuppressant. As drugs that suppress the activity of the body's defense system, corticosteroid hormones are used:

Sometimes the therapeutic course introduces cytostatics:

To slow the progression and positive change in the course of the disease, only 6 medicines that have been clinically tested are registered in the world:

Scientists are constantly looking for new ways to treat multiple sclerosis. Positive results in recent studies have shown such drugs:

Since 2005, bone marrow transplantation has been recognized as the only effective method of treating multiple sclerosis. This is a surgical intervention that requires the compatibility of the donor's biological material and the patient's body. Preliminary intensive chemotherapy aimed at destroying its own bone marrow is needed.

In the symptomatic treatment of the disease, different groups of pharmacological agents are used. The names, dosage and frequency of taking any medicines are selected only by the doctor in accordance with the presence and severity of the symptoms, which provokes disseminated progressive sclerosis. Self-management therapy is dangerous for complications and side effects from taking medications.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies

In alternative medicine, there are no effective options for treating this disease. Natural recipes can lightly alleviate symptoms and temporarily improve well-being. Before treating multiple sclerosis with folk methods, it is important to consult a doctor, some herbal remedies are incompatible with certain medications.

Restorative herbal collection


Preparation, application

  1. Grind and mix the plants.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon mixture with a glass of cold water.
  3. Insist 3 hours.
  4. Boil for 5 minutes.
  5. Cool, filter the solution.
  6. Divide the medicine into 3 equal portions.
  7. Drink them in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Multiple Sclerosis - Implications

Complications of the described disease are an intensification of existing symptoms and more frequent relapses. The consequences of multiple sclerosis:

How many live with multiple sclerosis?

The prognosis for the considered ailment is favorable, especially if the pathology was diagnosed before 50 years. Against the background of correct and regular treatment, patients with multiple sclerosis survive to deep old age without significant deterioration of the brain and spinal cord. In rare cases (less than 10%), the disease is rapidly progressing, causing the failure of the functions of several organs and systems. This leads to a lethal outcome within 8-10 years.