Black circles under the eyes

Black circles under the eyes are a bright symptom of diseases of internal organs, so noticing the dark "bags" do not try to disguise them or whiten. It is better to immediately go through a medical examination in order to identify the work of which name organ is broken.

Next we will tell you why black circles appear under the eyes. And briefly describe the most popular methods of getting rid of them.

Why do black circles appear under your eyes?

The most frequent reason for the appearance of dark spots under the eyes is a violation of the heart or kidneys. The second option may include not only serious diseases, but also intoxication of the body . Therefore, in any case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Black circles under the eyes can also act as a symptom of an allergic reaction. Allergen can be detected only with the help of special tests, since bags under the eyes are unable to indicate what exactly you are allergic to, whether it is medicines, foods or something else.

If you are a smoker with experience or recently abuse alcohol, then the appearance of black circles will be quite natural, since alcohol has a bad effect on blood circulation, and nicotine helps to narrow the blood vessels. As a result, dark circles appear.

The less dangerous reason for the appearance of "bruises" is fast weight loss. Despite the fact that the fat layer under the skin in the lower eyelid is very small, it still exists. When losing weight, the interlayer disappears, the skin slightly sags, and the vessels become visible. They can form both blue and black circles under the eyes.

Overfatigue of the body can also cause dark bruises. Therefore, noticing them, it is worth paying attention to your lifestyle and giving yourself answers to several questions that will help determine if you care about the general condition of the body:

If you sleep 7-8 hours, allocate time for a favorite affair or for communication with close people, do not work for 12 hours, then the appearance of black circles under the eyes will not be associated with fatigue and fatigue.

It's also important how much you spend time at the computer. The eyes must be very tense in order to peer at the bright screen for hours. Therefore, dark circles under the eyes can signal that it's time to take care of them.

How to remove black circles under the eyes?

After you have found the answer to the question of why black circles appeared under the eyes, I want to know how they can be removed.

It is very important to know the reason for the appearance of circles. If it is a case of internal diseases, then first of all it is necessary to deal with their treatment (referring to a specialist), since the bruises in the lower eyelid are not so terrible as a violation of the liver or heart. But it will not be superfluous to disguise the black circles under the eyes with the help of cosmetics in parallel with the treatment. Since a healthy appearance for women are very important. If the bruises are very noticeable, then they can be tried with the help of folk remedies. Effective assistants in this case will be dill and cucumber.

If the circles appeared due to excessive eye strain, then during the work you should regularly do gymnastics for them. Exercises for the eyes are very simple:

  1. Within a few minutes, lead your eyes up and down, left or right or in a circle.
  2. Draw all the geometric shapes known to you or try to "write" your name, patronymic and surname.

Do gymnastics for five to ten minutes several times a day and the circles will be gone. Also, exercises help to keep your eyesight and protect you from headaches.