International Children's Day

Children are devoted to several international holidays, both national and international. Such high-sounding dates as World Children's Day are celebrated under the auspices of the United Nations and are widely disseminated. There are quite interesting holidays, known only to doctors or people of a certain profession. For example, let's call the Day of White Orchids, dedicated to babies born from a test tube. But in this article we will cover the history and purpose of the holiday International Children's Day. This event is already more than half a century, as it is celebrated on the planet, has many fans and therefore is worth a separate story.

Children's Day

In 1949, the unhealed wounds of the Second World, which killed millions of lives, caused many activists to protect all the children of the Earth from a new military misfortune. International conferences, symposia, congresses were held, where vital problems were discussed. Great influence was enjoyed by the Congress of the International Women's Federation, where it was suggested to devote a specific day to the protection of all the children of the planet, regardless of their nationality. By the way, the flag invented for this date very clearly characterizes the idea of ​​tolerance and diversity of mankind. It depicts five small multicolored figures that stand on top of the globe.

What day is Children's Day?

For the first time, the International Children's Day was widely celebrated on June 1 in 1950, and the holiday was instantly granted the status of an annual event. Approximately 20-24% of the population of any country are teenagers and small children. It is they who, under conditions of a dangerous military conflict, are in greatest danger. But on this day, participants of various events raise other pressing issues - child alcoholism , drug addiction, dependence on computers and TV, sexual development at a very young age, violence in families. This holiday is a great opportunity with the support of the authorities to broadcast a large audience about serious problems, collectively solving many issues of the young part of society.