14 midwifery pregnancy week

14 obstetric pregnancy week corresponds to 12 weeks from conception. Many women, considering the period in months, do not know how long this is 14 weeks. To be precise, 14 obstetric weeks are 3.5 lunar months. This time is the so-called boundary between the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Changes in the body of a woman

As a rule, by this time the woman is already beginning to realize that soon she will become a mother. This is reminiscent of her growing stomach, which is clearly visible at the 14th week of a normal current pregnancy. Together with him, the chest grows. The woman's walk changes a little.

The general condition is already improving by this time. From fatigue and drowsiness, which tormented a woman at the beginning of pregnancy, there is no trace.

The weight of a woman gradually increases, as the fetus grows. At the same time a woman must constantly control it, weight gain may be caused by the development of edema.

The uterine floor is by this time 11-13 cm above the pubis. The increase in the uterus in size and leads to the growth of the abdomen, which requires a woman to update her wardrobe.

How does the fetus develop?

As already mentioned above, fetal development at the 14th week of pregnancy occurs at an accelerated rate. He is growing quite active. It is at this time that the already formed bodies are being perfected and their further development.

The placenta takes an active part in the hormonal adjustment process, and also provides the fetus with all the necessary nutrients and oxygen.

The fetus becomes more and more like a baby. In size, it does not exceed a large peach. Due to the fact that the fatty tissue is almost not developed, it seems rather fragile and lean.

The skin is covered with lanugo, small, very soft down, and also a layer of yellowish grease. On the face of the fetus, eyebrows and eyelashes are clearly visible. He is able to feel the taste, but does not see anything.

He lives in the so-called world of tactile sensations: pulsation of the umbilical cord, warmth of the uterus, amniotic fluid , sensations from touching the uterine walls and own skin. By this time, the baby already knows how to suck a finger, which gives him special pleasure. The fruit first, but still unconsciously, starts to smile. This point is often fixed during the ultrasound.

As a rule, it is during this period that a woman can feel the first movements of the fetus. These feelings for her are incomparable, especially if she is pregnant with the first-born. The uterus can be felt freely through the abdominal wall. For this, in the lying position, place your hand just above the pinned joint.


At 14 weeks of gestation, with the advice of a gynecologist, a woman does not feel unwell. By this time, the toxicosis is almost over, and his symptoms (dizziness, nausea, vomiting) disappear.

At this time, the woman should pay special attention to the regime of her day. So, her sleep should be at least 8 hours a day. Proper and well-balanced nutrition is the basis of well-being, as a mother, so the fetus. That is why, if pregnancy takes place in winter or autumn, during the absence of fresh fruits and vegetables, a woman should make up for their intake of vitamin complexes.

Walking in the fresh air is also important for a future mother. In good weather, a woman should walk at least 2-3 hours a day, while avoiding hypothermia, because even common colds can affect the fetus in the best way. Adhering to these tips and following the recommendations of a doctor, a woman can bear and safely give birth to a healthy child.