Seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Dandruff is the most common problem of all mankind on earth. And all those advertisements on TV about amazing dandruff shampoos will never help get rid of it if the nature of the occurrence is inflammatory. There are cases when dandruff appears really due to a change in shampoo. This is due to the fact that some brands of shampoos contain most of the soap, and overdry the scalp. Naturally, the presence of dandruff in each person is simply inevitable, because in fact these are small scales that are updated, regardless of the choice of shampoo or any other disease.

The presence of light dandruff does not mean anything bad, but if its quantity has increased dramatically and already excessively interferes, then in this case it is worth considering. Basically, all begin to engage in self-medication, but this is fundamentally not true. It is necessary to consult a trichologist immediately. Then you have to diagnose and take the exact treatment.

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp - causes

It is the seborrhea of ​​the scalp that is the essential cause of dandruff. What kind of illness is it? In simple words, this is an excessive allocation of sebaceous glands of fat, the so-called saloobrazovanie. There are cases when with seborrhea of ​​the head, there is strong formation of the whole organism, so a person can recover slightly.

The main causes of seborrhea:

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp - symptoms

This disease can manifest itself in two forms - liquid and thick, thus characterizing both oily and dry seborrhea. Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp makes the affected skin wet, with a characteristic luster. In appearance it is like an orange peel. There are acne eruptions in the area of ​​skin lesions. Hair quickly zhirneyut, while there is a plentiful appearance and precipitation of scales - dandruff. In general, complications are not observed, but there are cases when there are various purulent skin diseases or furunculosis.

Dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp looks in the lesions as excessive dry skin. In this form, the skin is most sensitive and irritable to various allergens. Acute signs of such seborrhea - excessive manifestation of dandruff and frequent hair loss in large quantities.

Quite often there is a form of mixed seborrhea. In these cases, in some areas of the skin develops oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp, and on others it is dry. It can be the upper back, chest or face. It also happens that the fatty form of seborrhea can go to dry. Even to this day, there has been no reason for such a transition of forms, so there is as yet no specific and universal treatment.

What is the treatment of seborrhea?

There are several defined groups that can be effective in this matter:

Such therapy is not definitive, in many cases it is supplemented by drug treatment and various aerosols, ointments and lotions. As a rule, such treatment is appointed by the doctor trichologist.