Acne during pregnancy in the early stages

The perfect image of a pregnant woman, imposed by glossy and online publications, often contradicts reality. At the same time, the appearance and mood of future mothers are clouded not only by circles under the eyes, extra centimeters appeared, but, strangely enough, pimples. It would seem that this phenomenon is the destiny of adolescents, but alas, even ladies in the situation very often have to face such a problem. Moreover, many even before a delay regard acne as an indirect sign of pregnancy at the earliest possible time.

The causes of the appearance of acne during pregnancy in the early stages

Everyone knows that there are plenty of factors that affect our appearance. However, it is proved that to a greater degree the beauty of a woman still depends on the stability of her hormonal background. So, while in a state of emergency hormonal adjustment, future mothers should be ready for various and not always pleasant surprises. One of the immediate causes of the appearance of acne during pregnancy in the early stages is a sharp increase in the level of progesterone. This hormone is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy, at the same time it activates the work of the sebaceous glands, the secret is secreted several times more. Actually, therefore, even before the delay of menstruation in places of increased accumulation of sebaceous glands, the next mummy can have rashes. Often the question, whether pimples appear on early terms during pregnancy, disturbs owners of perfectly clean skin. It is noteworthy that in such women acne and comedones can, for sure, be regarded as the first sign of successful conception.

Also adversely affect the skin condition can:

  1. Dehydration. Due to increased urination, many pregnant women suffer from dehydration. This condition is associated with an increased concentration of hormones in the blood.
  2. Unbalanced nutrition, consumption of a large amount of sweet, fatty, salty and spicy food.
  3. Stress and nervous tension.
  4. Heredity.
  5. Irregular work of the digestive tract, in particular constipation.

However, despite the fact that acne is regarded as a sign of pregnancy, they can not be left without proper treatment. The skin of the future mother needs proper care, timely cleansing and moisturizing. It is strictly forbidden to use cleansing scrubs on inflamed areas, it is impossible to squeeze out acne, it is also unsafe to use cosmetic products containing antibiotics, steroids, benzene peroxide, salicylic acid.

Of course, acne is a temporary phenomenon, they often pass by the end of the first trimester.