Chicory in Pregnancy

Chicory is an unpretentious plant with unpretentious blue flowers, which does not need a specific care, it can be found in parks and along roads. You can not even believe that this plant has such a wide range of applications. Especially useful is chicory during pregnancy.

Is it possible to have chicory during pregnancy?

The most useful part of this plant is the root, it contains vitamins necessary for the pregnant woman (A, C, B1, B2, B5, B6), folic acid, trace elements (potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, zinc and t etc.), some essential amino acids and insulin. Drink chicory during pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the liver, heart work, has antibacterial properties and has a detoxifying effect on the body, which is especially important during pregnancy. Chicory soluble during pregnancy has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa, reduces its acidity and relieves heartburn, in addition, it increases appetite. To drink chicory during pregnancy is advisable in case of problems with the intestines, it gently helps a pregnant woman to solve the problem of constipation. Another useful property that dictates recommending chicory to pregnant women is the normalization of metabolism, especially with rapid body weight gain. They also note the antipyretic effect of chicory, which manifests itself at a low temperature, which brings discomfort.

Pregnant you can drink chicory in the form of a decoction for the prevention of anemia. The broth is prepared according to this recipe: in 100 milliliters of milk add 1 teaspoon of chicory juice and eat 3-4 times a day. And to allocate juice from chicory it is possible as follows: young shoots with flowers to pass boiling water, to pass through a meat grinder and squeeze juice. Before breeding in milk, the juice should be boiled for several minutes.

Is chicory harmful to pregnant women?

The use of any medicinal product in excessive amounts can harm the body. So the abuse of chicory during pregnancy can lead to dehydration, given its diuretic effect. There are some contraindications to taking chicory during pregnancy, they are referred to:

How to drink chicory during pregnancy?

At pregnancy it is possible to drink chicory instead of coffee, especially it is important for coffeemakers. However, chicory has a specific taste, so in the drink you can add a little coffee (1 / 5-1 / 6 of the total dose). In winter, dried parts of chicory grass can be purchased at any pharmacy, and in shops you can buy teas and drinks with chicory.

I want to note the weak sedative effect of drinks from chicory, which can be used instead of Leonurus and valerian. Chicory for pregnant women is recommended to be used not only in the form of drinks, but its fresh leaves can be put in salads that will make the salad not only tasty, but also useful.

Having considered all the properties of chicory, it becomes clear his undeniable benefit for a pregnant woman. Drinks from chicory quench thirst, soothe the nerves, fix the work of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize the metabolism, effectively fight with constipation, increase immunity, improve the work of the heart and remove excess water from the body of a pregnant woman.