22 dishes that you can try and die: the most dangerous food in the world

Love exotic, so do not refuse to try unusual dishes, traveling the world? It is important to know that there are products that carry a mortal danger, so it's better to avoid them.

During travel people try to try something traditional and simultaneous unusual from the food, characteristic for the inhabitants of the country where they are. Such gastronomic experiments, of course, are interesting, but they are very dangerous. There are a number of products of plant and animal origin that can act on a person, like poison, and lead to death. In most cases, poisoning occurs because the dish is improperly cooked, so it is important to know about potential threats in order to avoid problems.

1. Fish fugu

Let's start with one of the most dangerous delicacies that many people have heard about. It can be tried in different countries, and in Japan the dish is considered national. Fugu is eaten in fried and boiled form, but the most popular variant is pieces of raw fillet (sashimi). Eating this fish is partly an extreme, as no one can give a 100% guarantee that the meal will end safely. It is important that the fugue is prepared by a professional who knows how to properly process the carcass to exclude poisoning. By the way, in Japan there are special courses for cooks, where they teach and prepare this exotic fish.

What is the danger? It is strictly forbidden to use the liver and other internal organs of fish, since they contain a lethal dose of tetrodotoxin. It is important to remove the insides as carefully as possible so as not to damage them, otherwise the poison will get on the fish fillets and the dish will become poisonous. Tetrodotoxin paralyzes the muscles of a person, and this provokes a stop in breathing. According to statistics, over a decade, a Japanese delicacy killed 44 people.

2. The elder

A plant with black berries can be found in different countries. Fruits are used in cooking, for example, for the preparation of jam, but it is important to know: there can be exceptionally ripe berries, which are cleared of twigs, leaves and bones.

What is the danger? In the above parts of the plant and in unripe fruit contains a dangerous for human poison - cyanide. When ingested, it can provoke severe bouts of diarrhea and the development of many other diseases that can cause death.

3. Copalhem

The cuisine of Chukotka, to put it mildly, is specific and most dishes cause ordinary people to shock and disgust. As an example, you can bring kopalhem. To prepare it, a deer is not fed for several days so that it has a clean stomach, and then it is heated in a swamp. The carcass remains there for several months, and then it can be eaten, and without heat treatment. It is difficult to imagine a person who voluntarily agreed to taste this dish.

What is the danger? In the meat of the animal during the months of "cooking" a large amount of cadaveric poison accumulates, the concentration of which is deadly to humans, except for the indigenous inhabitants of the north.

4. Pangium edible

In foreign countries, you can find a huge number of exotic fruits, which are sometimes dangerous to health. In Southeast Asia, you can try a pangium, which is also called a fruit that is disgusting.

What is the danger? In the fruits is a large amount of cyanide, which is deadly to humans. You can eat pangium only after it has been properly peeled and processed, so you can not eat it directly from the tree.

5. Bloody shellfish

In China and other Asian countries, blood clams are very popular (the name is associated with bright red coloration). An unusual color is caused by the content of a large amount of hemoglobin. Serve mollusks cooked in steamed or boiled.

What is the danger? Studies have shown that mollusks contain many different viruses and bacteria, for example, hepatitis A and E, typhoid fever, dysentery and so on. Many countries, to protect people from the epidemic, banned the importation of bloody shellfish. The data show that about 15% of people who risked trying blood clams are infected with one of the above diseases. It is interesting that in Shanghai there was even an epidemic of hepatitis A, caused precisely by eating this dish.

6. Absinthe

It is generally believed that liquids are killed much faster than food, because dangerous substances quickly enter the bloodstream. Today in almost all bars you can order a high-grade alcoholic drink absinthe, which is known for its bright green color. Prepare it from the juice of sweet fennel or anise, which gives the drink not only an unusual aroma, but also a threat.

What is the danger? As part of absinthe, there is thujone, which is toxic. This substance is a natural hallucinogenic and psychotropic drug. In some people, absinthe can cause mental disorders, and even epilepsy. People who are dependent on thujone may suffer from suicidal tendencies. It is important to understand that each person has an individual organism, and how he reacts to the ingestion of psychotropic substances into the body is unknown.

7. Spider-a-ping

In Tanzania, the locals have a delicacy of one of the poisonous tarantula species. The spider is completely cooked on low heat in a garlic sauce.

What is the danger? Each year, several cases of lethal poisoning are recorded, and in most cases, these are tourists who do not know that the spider should not be eaten entirely. In his fangs there is a dangerous poison, therefore before use they must be separated.

8. The edible manioc

In South America, a plant called cassava or manioc is common. It is cooked in different heat treatments before eating, for example, steamed, grilled, fried or boiled. The main thing is not to eat the plant in its raw form, otherwise it can cause death.

What is the danger? Manioc edible in its raw form contains a large amount of linamarin, which in the human body turns into cyanide - a deadly poison. Cases with a fatal outcome due to eating this plant are fixed regularly, for example, in 2005 in the Philippines, 27 schoolchildren died after a snack, which included cassava.

9. The frog-bull

If frog paws are popular in France, which are absolutely safe for humans, in Namibia and in a number of other African countries it is customary to eat a burrowing frog entirely. It is cooked in different ways, but more often it is simply fried at the stake.

What is the danger? The amphibian is a threat to human life before the breeding season begins, as it contains toxic substances that can cause death. The most dangerous are young frogs, which did not begin to multiply. A high concentration of toxins in their bodies can provoke acute kidney failure in people.

10. The root of rhubarb

In cooking, a rhubarb is used, for example, a tasty and useful jam is brewed from it, but few people know that a plant can be dangerous. This is more about the root.

What is the danger? In the lower part of the plant, much oxalic acid is concentrated, which negatively affects the work of the kidneys. Poisoning with this substance is indicated by such signs: pain in the eyes, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, burning sensation in the mouth and a change in the color of urine (a red shade appears). There are several cases in the world where the use of rhubarb root caused death.

11. Balut

In some Asian countries, particularly in the Philippines, you can try a dish that is very popular there, but in most tourists it disgusts - balut. This is a boiled duck egg, in which a chick was already formed, which was supposed to hatch the other day. The fruit has even a beak and plumage.

What is the danger? The reaction of the body to such exotics is unpredictable, and the meal can be fraught with serious health problems.

12. Kasu Marzu

Italy is known for its cheeses, but in addition to mozzarella, gouda and other noble varieties, there are more exotic treats in this country. In the Sardinia region, you can try Kasu marz - rotten cheese, which is considered the most dangerous in the world.

What is the danger? In the pulp of cheese are live larvae of cheese flies, which provoke the process of fermentation of the product. After using this "delicacy" larvae have a human in the intestine, and they can pass through its walls, causing a number of serious diseases, so think several times before trying this strange cheese.

13. The jellyfish of the nomur

Another dangerous Japanese delicacy. Apparently, the inhabitants of this country like to risk their lives by taking food. Near the coast of this Asian country, there is a huge jellyfish that eats tuna. It, like fugu fish, needs proper and thorough treatment, otherwise fatal poisoning can occur.

What is the danger? In the glands of the giant jellyfish is the most dangerous poison, which is deadly to humans. If you still want to try this Japanese delicacy, then do it in good institutions, where professional chefs will correctly process it and make it safe for life.

14. Carambola

A beautiful exotic fruit is like a star, and it can often be seen in desserts and cocktails, where the lobules serve as an original decoration. Fruit is dangerous not for everyone, but only for people who have problems with kidney work.

What is the danger? If the functionality of the kidneys is broken, then even 100 g of carambola juice can turn into a dangerous poison. Also, it can negatively affect the brain activity and the nervous system, and this significantly increases the risk of death.

15. Sannakci

Koreans are known for their love for different exotic, so, one of the traditional dishes of their cuisine is sannacci. This treat is not for the faint-hearted people, because a plate is served live octopus, which is watered with sesame oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

What is the danger? The mollusk moves the tentacles not only in the dish, but also in the mouth, clinging to the walls of the oral band with its suckers, which can cause choking. To avoid trouble, it is important to thoroughly chew on the octopus. Statistics show that about six people die each year from suffocation after similar gastronomic experiments.

16. Cashew Nuts

Many may be surprised to see in this list of popular nuts, but they are not just because they are strictly forbidden in their raw form. Cashews that are sold in shops have been heat treated, and in most cases it is frying or steam.

What is the danger? In raw cashews is a poisonous substance - urushiol, which carries a mortal danger to humans. Harmful substances are destroyed during the preparation of nuts, and they become absolutely safe.

17. The fungus of the dung beetle

Already the name of this product is disgusting, but it is a delicacy in many countries of the world.

What is the danger? It is forbidden to use mushroom dung with alcohol, since a similar tandem can cause serious problems in the body and even lead to death.

18. Fesikkh

At the spring festival in Egypt Sham El Nessim, you can try an unusual and dangerous treat under the name Fesikkh. For him, the raw fish is first dried in the sun, and then kept in salt throughout the year. After that, it can be eaten, but no one can guarantee that after a meal you will not find yourself in a hospital with a strong poisoning.

What is the danger? The fish can contain dangerous bacteria that cause the administration. Statistics show that every year dozens of Egyptians find themselves in a hospital because of this dish. In addition, there are several cases where the eating of salted fish was fatal.

19. Haukarl

The national dish of Iceland will seem disgusting to many, but it is popular, both among the inhabitants of this country, and among tourists who want to try exotic things. Haukarl is the jerky meat of the Greenland polar shark, which is cut into pieces and dried for half a year.

What is the danger? The meat of this shark is poisonous because it contains a large amount of urea. This is due to the fact that she does not have kidneys and the urethra, so toxins are secreted into the skin, poisoning her. To get rid of the poison, pieces of shark are placed in special containers with holes, into which it flows. In this case, you can not be sure that after six months of drying, the meat will become completely safe. It is worth noting that the smell of it, too, is not very pleasant.

20. Crab

Many will disagree when they see the popular seafood in this list, as it can be found on the menu of many restaurants. Crabs are baked, cooked on the grill, boiled and so on.

What is the danger? Problems can arise if the crab has been poorly cleaned or turned out to be undercooked. Sea delicacy can cause cholera, which provokes strong diarrhea and dehydration in the body, and this carries a mortal danger to life.

21. Aki

In the Caribbean, for example, in Jamaica, there is often a tree aki (there is another name - bligh). Many tourists, seeing red fruits, want to try them, risking their health. It is important to know that only ripe fruits can be used for food and without black seeds located inside.

What is the danger? In the flesh of the unripe fruit aki is a toxin of hypoglycin A and B. In the human body, this substance becomes a poison that provokes Jamaican emetic disease. It can cause dehydration and lead to death. Statistics show that one in a thousand people trying this exotic fruit can face poisoning. For example, in 2011, 35 cases were recorded.

22. The monkey brain

Probably the most exotic things can be found in Asian countries, where they eat a lot of strange and even terrible dishes. In public catering establishments, you can try this unusual dish, like the brains of monkeys. They are served in boiled baked and even raw form.

What is the danger? Agreeing to try monkey brains, people take risks, because this dish can cause a dangerous disease - Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which affects the cerebral cortex. There are cases when this disease leads to death.