A sense of self-importance

Almost every person has some sort of complex, many have obsessive fears that do not allow them to live normally, but because of the sense of self-importance. And the worst part is that it is extremely difficult to recognize this problem, rarely who realizes its presence. As a result, a person spends a lot of energy on senseless experiences, which could go to more useful things.

A sense of self-importance in psychology

You must have met people who are very worried about their appearance in the eyes of others. They are ready to do anything to look "dignified". In fact, the feeling of self-worth gives an extremely ridiculous or repulsive appearance, people behave selfishly and pompously, display stupid pride, constantly complain about life, are angry with their failures, do not know how to control their desires, always find justification for their weaknesses. Sometimes it may seem that a sense of self-importance means an overestimated self-esteem , but psychology assures us that this is the case on the contrary. Own insecurity does not allow people to respond adequately to what is happening, they think that someone constantly wants to offend them, infringe on their rights, in any way harm. Therefore, such people are either discouraged from the "evil" world or try harder to assert themselves at their own expense.

Coping with a sense of self-importance is not easy, but the result will pay off all efforts. Since the absence of this sensation will allow us to rationally look at things, to release a lot of energy that used to go to fight against imaginary enemies. And in order for the sense of importance to surrender quickly, notice it in yourself, and not in other people, adjust your actions, and do not tell how to live the rest.