Vocational guidance games

Practical experience of many generations shows how complex the process of choosing the type of activity. The search for your calling takes a lot of time and effort and, in the end, is not always successful. Psychologists have developed vocational guidance games and exercises in order to recognize abilities and talents, to determine which direction suits a particular person and to facilitate his choice of a profession. Such games are a way to model situations related to professional activity, social relations in a team, ways of solving problems.

Vocational business game "The Road to the Future"

In the game can be involved up to 50 people. Participants are asked to choose the direction of the company in which they allegedly work. Senior students need to cope with the tasks associated with the opening of the company, writing a business plan , solving current issues and problems. The jury evaluates how teams of participants with emerging difficulties in the work of their company.

"What where When?" vocational guidance game

Used by psychologists for the active form of vocational guidance for high school students. Necessary equipment: roulette, playing field, gong, stopwatch, envelopes with questions, scoreboard results.

The game begins with the preparatory period - the preparation of questions. At this stage, the joint work of participants and organizers is carried out. Questions are being prepared for career guidance that will be used in the game. Depending on the number of participants, 2 to 4 teams of 6 people are formed. Each team must answer questions from rivals. For greater efficiency, you can attract spectators to the game, if the team can not answer the question, then it goes to the audience. You can also use pauses and breaks to provide useful information related to the professions.

Prakrnikov's career-oriented games are very popular. The games of this author are good because they do not need a large number of participants and can be held at home with their parents. One of the games offered by Pryazhnikov is called "Or-or." Its essence lies in the movement of chips on the playing field, in the cells of which are offered some or other opportunities for a career or personal growth. Participants select their favorite cards and at the end of the game determine what life or professional status each of them has earned.

Career guidance game "Island"

The game introduces children to "unprivileged" professions and teaches that at a certain stage in life each person may face the need to apply some of their skills. Children are invited to submit that they were on an uninhabited island and forced to fish, build a house, collect vegetables and fruits. The jury assesses the savvy and skill of the children who came to the island.