40 products that can not be stored in the refrigerator

Our desire to stock up products for future use and keep them quite naturally. Most likely, you think that the best way to do this is to put the food in the refrigerator.

However, this is not always the case. We have worked hard to make a list of products that should not be stored in your "home cold factory". The results will pleasantly surprise you.

1. Bananas

Outside the refrigerator bananas are better retaining nutrients. According to the association of vegetable and fruit marketing, low temperatures slow the maturation process of bananas.

2. Potatoes

All avid gardeners who grow potatoes will agree that it is best to keep the tubers unwashed in a cool, dry, dark place, for example in a cellar, because the starch is quickly broken down into glucose in the refrigerator. For not having a cellar, use well-ventilated cardboard boxes or boxes. It is not recommended to store potatoes in plastic and paper bags.

3. Onion

Lying some time in the fridge, onions will eventually become soft, and worse - moldy. One of the reasons why it is not recommended to store raw onions in plastic bags in the refrigerator is the fact that for long-term storage it needs air. As for peeled onions, on the contrary - it is better to store it in closed containers all in the same refrigerator.

4. Avocado

In the case of an avocado, a refrigerator should be used if the fruit is ripe and you are not going to eat it directly after purchase. If the avocado is not yet ripe, let it be better to just keep up in the fruit vase on your table.

5. Garlic

Do you want to - believe it or not - but keeping the garlic in the fridge, in fact, contributes to its germination. There is a high probability that it will become moldy and soften. By the way, the appearance of garlic will not change much, and you will learn about the fact that the product is spoiled, only by cutting it.

6. Bread

In the drying of bread with a refrigerator, only the oven can contend, so if you do not want a long, long time to chew a hard, dry slice of bread, put it there if you have already prepared a sandwich.

7. Coffee

As for preserving freshness and taste and ground coffee and coffee beans require a cool dry dark place, the refrigerator is not for storing them. But there is an exception: if you are stocked with a lot of coffee, you can freeze it, but at most for a month. It is best to use a vacuum container.

8. Tomatoes

Storage of tomatoes in the refrigerator can lead to loss of their taste, for which we love them so much, and according to the leading TV show "We eat at home," Julia Vysotskaya, also to damage the peel of tomatoes.

9. Honey

Storing honey in the refrigerator is meaningless, since it is a natural product and, if it is in a tightly twisting jar, it will last forever. At low temperatures, honey quickly candies and becomes very hard. After that, just do not put a spoonful of honey in the tea.

10. Watermelon

How did our grandparents used to store watermelons? That's right, under the bed. And we advise you to do this. Otherwise, the watermelon will lose the beta-carotene-containing substances faster, in other words - vitamin A, so useful for our health. If the watermelon is cut, before you put it in the refrigerator, be sure to cover it with a food film.

11. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is best kept in a dark, cool, dry well-ventilated area.

12. Olive oil

Being in the refrigerator, olive oil can acquire a consistency of creamy. Therefore, it is best to keep it on the shelf of the kitchen set.

13. Basil

Ironically, in the refrigerator, the basil will fade faster than if you put it in a glass of water and will look after it like an indoor flower. Moreover, it has the property of absorbing the smells of other products that are near on the same shelf. For long-term storage finely chop and freeze it in a refrigerator.

14. Fruits: apricots, kiwi, peaches, plums, mangoes

Like avocado, the above fruits should be stored in a vase rather than a refrigerator, otherwise they will lose a lot of nutrients - nutrients.

15. Peanut Butter

Nothing is combined with peanut butter better than jelly or jam. However, unlike most jams, peanut butter is best stored in a kitchen cabinet. So it does not wither and it will not harden.

16. Pickled cucumber

Not enough space in the fridge? You can safely remove from there a jar of pickled cucumbers, which are already well protected from spoilage with a preservative and do not need to be cooled. The same applies to all products that contain marinade or pickle.

17. Eggs

There is much debate about where to store eggs: in the refrigerator or not. Some studies prove that eggs do not change their properties, no matter where they are stored. But according to the results of the conducted alternative experiments, it can be said that eggs lose their natural taste and smell when stored in the refrigerator. So, it's best to keep the eggs outside of it.

18. Salad

From what the dressed salad, it depends whether it is worth putting it in the fridge. If it's mayonnaise or yogurt, then, of course, it's worth it. If olive oil or vinegar, you can safely leave the dish on the kitchen table.

19. Ketchup

Even for an open package of ketchup, you do not have to worry and do not take up space on the shelves of the refrigerator. All additives used for the preparation of ketchup prevent it from spoiling for a long period.

20. Canned tuna

Tuna is more delicious if you open a jar of room temperature. Everything is thought out in advance and to the smallest detail: conservation is a conservation, so that it can be stored outside the refrigerator.

21. Citrus fruits

At sufficiently low temperatures, oranges and lemons are covered with spots, their peel fades, the fruit becomes too soft. On the question, where to store this kind of products, you can already answer yourself;)

22. Cucumbers

Cucumbers as well as most of the products from the above list are best stored at room temperature. Of course, not for a whole week, but at least a few days for sure.

23. Carrots

It's no secret that sometimes, due to improper operation of the refrigerator, water drops form inside, which adversely affects carrots. It quickly spoils, becomes watery - and this is the little thing that can happen to carrots while storing it in the refrigerator.

24. Chocolate

Chocolate is recommended to be placed in the refrigerator in the event that it melted to take its former form. Otherwise, this is not necessary.

25. Corn flakes

On corn flakes, low temperature affects as follows: they become less crispy.

26. Flour

Flour is one of the most unpretentious foods. Just take her place on the shelf in the locker. The main condition is a vacuum container.

27. Sweet pepper

If you put the pepper in the refrigerator, most likely, it will even change the color to a darker one, and this is the signal of spoilage of the product.

28. Jam

The main condition for storing jam in the refrigerator - do not interfere with it with other products (always use a clean spoon). This can affect both taste and consistency.

29. Spices

Have you ever seen spices stored in a refrigerator in a store? And so they lie on the shelves for several months. All is not accidental, the spices are perfectly preserved and at room temperature.

30. Apples

They say that an apple a day is like an onion from seven ailments. In them, to madness, there are many useful substances and vitamins. At room temperature, apples are stored from 1 to 2 weeks. If you often use them for food, you will not need a refrigerator.

31. Pears

Not everyone knows, but pears mature better when they are already ripped off the tree. So they quickly become softer and juicier. Therefore, it is better to put them in the refrigerator after ripening for long-term storage.

32. Soy sauce

The shelf life of soy sauce is more than even for ketchup or mustard - from 1.5 to 3 years. It is produced by fermentation, which is why the sauce does not need low temperatures. If you do not use soy sauce for a long time, it may change color slightly, but still remain usable.

33. Eggplant

These vegetables should be stored away from direct sunlight at room temperature, as eggplants are sensitive to low temperatures. If the temperature drops below + 10 ° C, eggplants lose their nutrients and useful properties, and become soft and loose.

34. Pineapples

Unlike other fruits, pineapple will not ripen properly. if it was cut. You can bring the fruit to ripeness so that it becomes softer and juicier, but it can not be made sweeter. The sweetness of pineapple is gained by the starch contained in the stems of the plant. After the fetus is cut off from the plant itself, it can not store sugar. Storing the pineapple in the refrigerator will slow the process of softening and discolouring. Because of the cold, pineapple may darken, but this usually occurs only when you store pineapple in the cold for a long time, rather than a couple of days.

35. String beans

Dried beans at room temperature are stored for years, canned beans - for months. If you do not immediately use fresh string beans for food, it is better to put it in the refrigerator. Outside of it, it will retain its taste for about a week.

36. Vinegar

Vinegar is a kind of seasoning, and as most of them do not need low temperatures. All because of the acidic substances contained in the vinegar. The composition of vinegars, a little more fanciful to room temperature, includes greens, garlic, onions. If you are in doubt, whether to put a bottle of vinegar in the refrigerator, just read the composition of the product.

37. Salami

As is known, salami is a sort of hard smoked sausage from air dried meat taken from one or different animals. Historically, salami was popular among peasants, since after cutting it could be stored at room temperature for up to 30-40 days. Sounds convincing.

38. Canned olives

On the shelves of shops you are offered several types of canned olives. And from what they depend, it is worth keeping them in the refrigerator or not. In principle, canned olives are not whimsical to room temperature, but there are several subtleties of storage: it is better to keep the open jar in the refrigerator, not to pour out the liquid (marinade) contained in the jar. The longest you save the olives, if placed in a vacuum container, and then in the refrigerator.

39. Oil

The storage location of butter depends on how often you use it for food. Moreover, there is a difference between ordinary and salty butter, the latter is preserved, naturally, longer. But since unsalted butter is often made based on pasteurized milk, it is also not particularly threatened by room temperature. But it's up to you.

40. The biscuits

The biscuits and all sorts of crackers should be stored in a cool dry place. It is strongly recommended to check the tightness of the pack of crackers. The moisture contained in the air, and the ability of the biscuits to absorb it quickly can lead to spoilage of the product. Also keep them away from sources of heat, both natural - the sun, and artificial - household electrical appliances. Remember that bacteria begin to multiply already at + 4ºС.