3-year-old girl easily reincarnates in the stars to save the sick grandmother

To support a seriously ill grandmother, a three-year-old girl and her mother created an unusual photo project in which the little Scout reincarnated in Adele, Drew Barrymore, Taylor Swift and other stars.

It all started with the fact that Nonnie - my beloved grandmother Scout discovered breast cancer. Noticing that Nonny's hair falls out, her granddaughter was very frightened and upset. Then Mom Scout Ashley tried to find some kind of occupation that could support their family in such a difficult time. Ashley invited the girl to reincarnate in several famous women, whom she considered a model of courage and endurance. Thus, the mother hoped to convey these qualities to her daughter.

"I wanted to tell my daughter, and also remind myself that women are born fighters! For the photo session, we selected the strongest of the spirit of the stars, so that Scout understood what power women are endowed with! "

Scout enthusiastically took up the project, which was added to the grandmother, because in fact she was supposed to become a key character. At first, Nonnie was embarrassed by the camera, but seeing how her granddaughter posed easily and naturally, relaxed and was able to enjoy the photo session.

Women worked on the project for just under a year. During this period, Nonnie underwent a serious treatment, which, fortunately, ended in a complete victory over the disease!

And Scout continues to act in various photo shoots. She is a big fan of fashion. For example, now her favorite piece of wardrobe is rubber boots with rainbow coloring, with which she does not part either in rainy or sunny weather.

At the same time, Ashley tries to impress upon her daughter that beauty is not the main thing; where the mind and ability to hold a blow are more important.

"When I tell my daughter that she is beautiful, she almost always adds:" I'm also smart! "

Adele and Scout

Drew Barrymore and Scout

Carrie Fisher and Scout

Moana and Scout

Meryl Streep and Scout

Selena Gomez and Scout

Scout and Frida Kahlo

Taylor Swift and Scout

Ellen DeGeneres and Scout

Emma Watson and Scout

Ellen Page and Scout

Betty White and Scout

Zoe Deschanel and Scout

Bree Larson and Scout

Lauren Cohan and Scout

Maya Mitchell and Scout

Malala Yusufzai and Scout

Millie Bobby Brown and Scout

Mindy Kaling and Scout

Rowan Blanchard and Scout

Bill Murray and Scout