Angina in pregnancy

In the winter-autumn period or early spring, public transport cars, bazaars and crowded places are filled with coughing, sneezing and blowing people. Ideal conditions for the contact transmission of respiratory infections from person to person. And pregnant women are especially prone to infectious diseases, which are transmitted by airborne droplets. Separately, we should consider the situation with angina during pregnancy, since this disease can cause irreparable harm to both the mother and the future child.

Let's deal with the conventional terminology. Acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis is an acute infectious disease, in which tonsils and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx are affected. But what is so dangerous about angina during pregnancy? Experts call the main danger of angina in the early and late stages of pregnancy complications arising from improper or untimely treatment. It can be meningitis, abscess of the pharynx or even the sepsis of the whole organism.

The most common forms of purulent angina during pregnancy are catarrhal, lacunar, follicular and herpetic. Symptoms and manifestations of these variants of angina during pregnancy differ from each other by different indicators of body temperature, swelling or the presence of purulent formations, however in each of these cases it is necessary to consult a doctor and get a qualified consultation.

What are the steps to be taken by a pregnant woman who feels mildly ill, has a sore throat, feels pain while swallowing?

The most important advice of specialists is the rule, in which in no case it is impossible to tolerate angina during pregnancy on legs. It is necessary to comply with strict bed rest, giving the body the ability to fight the disease without spending energy on extraneous activities. Specialists recommend consuming as much warm liquid as possible. It can be all kinds of herbal teas, teas with raspberries or regular tea with honey and lemon. During a sore throat during pregnancy, treatment with the use of a large amount of liquid helps the body compensate for the loss of moisture, with increased sweating due to high body temperature. During a sore throat you should not completely refuse to eat, however, it is advisable to switch to a sparing diet: to introduce more vegetables and fruits into the diet, and to exclude rough food and spices.

To reduce the effect of angina on the course of pregnancy is not recommended to use antibiotics. It is much better to use proven folk remedies and methods. One of them is rinsing the throat with broths of chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, calendula and St. John's wort. These herbs must be brewed with steep boiling water, allow to stand for several minutes and strain through a strainer or gauze. Rinse is done!

However, it is worth noting that only rinsing sore throat during pregnancy can not be cured. The consequences of this disease on the course of pregnancy and fetal development are significant and great, therefore qualified specialists prescribe also medical therapy. It includes the use of furacilin for gargling, ultracaine, and ice medicine for analgesia. It is also allowed to use sucking lozenges to relieve the unpleasant sensations in the throat. Categorically contraindicated use of antihistamines.

In any case, you will need to seek medical advice from a doctor who will prescribe the treatment that is suitable for you and will be sparing for your future baby.