Calcinates in the mammary gland

Calcinates in the mammary gland are deposits of salts in tissues that are not detected during palpation, but are visible during X-ray examination and mammography. The appearance of calcification indicates a variety of breast diseases and requires in-depth diagnosis.

As a rule, such neoplasms are the cause of suspicion of cancer, but in practice their presence is not always indicative of breast cancer. First of all, they pay attention to their character, multiple small calcifications in the breast can testify both to the initial stages of cancer development and non-malignant processes, and single calcinates in the mammary gland are very rarely associated with cancer.

Calcinates in the mammary gland are the causes

The reasons for the formation of calcification in the mammary glands can be called, proceeding from their localization. So, the following types of calcinates are distinguished:

1. Lobular calcints - arise in benign diseases, such as adenosis of the breast , sclerosing adenosis, cysts, fibrocystic mastopathy . In X-ray examination, fibrocystic calcifications have the shape of a calyx, and in the lateral projection they look like a crescent moon. Thus, if salt formations look exactly like this, then the cause of their appearance is a unambiguously benign process.

2. Potassium calcinates - in turn, are subdivided into two more types:

3. Stromal calcifications - localized in fibroadenomas, fat cysts, walls of blood vessels. Diagnosing them is not difficult, because they are large enough and formless. If the formations are small and highly scattered, then additional diagnostics are required.

Summarizing, it can be said that calcinate is the replacement of a tissue site irreversibly altered or died out as a result of some inflammatory process in which calcium salts are deposited. In this case, the symptoms of the disease itself may be present, but may not be noticeable. Less commonly calcitons are formed as a result of a violation of calcium metabolism in the body.

In the diagnosis of the causes of calcite formation, the principle that the more salt deposits and the smaller they are, the greater the probability of breast cancer.

Calcinates in the mammary gland - treatment

The first thing that is done when a calcified breast is detected in a suspicious form and localized is a differential diagnosis and biopsy. If additional studies indicate the absence of breast cancer (and this happens in about 80% of cases when calcites are found), then no special, including surgical treatment of these tumors is carried out.

When there are associated diseases, which cause the deposition of salts in the tissues, their treatment is necessary. Since most often it is fibrocystic mastopathy and adenoses, then hormonal therapy and lifestyle correction are prescribed. Calcinates, of course, remain in the tissues, but they do not represent a danger. A woman should only take into account the fact that other organs of her body may also be prone to calcification.