How to salt black mushrooms - the benefits and harm of mushrooms and the best ways to pick them

Information on how to salt black mushrooms, will be interesting to seasoned mushroom pickers, and novice lovers of quiet hunting. In some countries, this fungus is not considered edible, but once you try a snack made from such raw materials, you can be convinced of the fallacy of such a theory.

What are the benefits of black mushrooms?

Black mushrooms, the benefits and harms of which are determined by the elements contained in them, were used in old times to alleviate the condition with many ailments. Take advantage of the valuable properties of the product can be in our days. Using properly prepared mushroom snacks, it will be possible to improve well-being and help the body cope with the ailments.

  1. The lion's share of B vitamins contributes to the strengthening of the nervous system.
  2. Vitamins A and C will be beneficial for the body.
  3. The content of many varieties of protein gives the right to use the product as an alternative to meat.
  4. All kinds of organic acids and other valuable substances will improve metabolic processes and will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
  5. Black mugs contain a natural antibiotic and elements that help reduce blood sugar.
  6. Without pre-treatment, this mushroom can not be eaten. Contained there milky juice and toxins can lead to poisoning or ill health.
  7. Correctly cooked black mushrooms should be consumed in moderation and do not abuse dishes from them to those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.

How to clean black mushrooms before salting?

Proper preparation of black mushrooms for pickling will provide a quality and delicious snack, the characteristics of which will not be spoiled by undesirable aftertaste or odor.

  1. Black mushrooms are initially sorted and examined for the presence of worms or rotten specimens, ruthlessly getting rid of them.
  2. The selected fruit bodies are poured with warm water for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Carefully wash the mushrooms under running water, cleaning the dirt and mucus from the hats with a brush or washcloth.
  4. Mushrooms are laid entirely or, cut into parts, in a soak tank.

How to soak black mushrooms before salting?

Before the salting of black mushrooms they must be soaked to get rid of bitter milky juice and a caustic resinous smell. In the water go and toxins present in the fungus pulp, which acquires the necessary characteristics and becomes suitable for food.

  1. The washed mushrooms are poured until completely covered with water, pressed with a load and left for 2 days, changing the water as often as possible.
  2. On the third day, make a solution of three liters of water and a tablespoon of salt, pour them a mushroom mass.
  3. Withstand the product in brine for 24 hours, changing the salt water every 3 hours.
  4. How much to soak black mushrooms will depend on the size of mushrooms or mushroom slicing. As a rule, there are three days, but for the sake of faithfulness, you can extend the procedure for another day.

How correctly to salt black mushrooms?

Methods of pickling black mushrooms at home are numerous and have a lot of variations. Each version is good in its own way, it allows you to get a decent snack in all respects. Having completed the stage of cleaning and soaking, it will remain a matter of little: to fulfill the requirements of the chosen recipe.

  1. The milk is placed in a suitable container. Suitable oak barrels, enamel, ceramic or glass dish.
  2. Supplement the mushroom mass with spices, herbs, garlic and spices.
  3. With dry salt, the mushroom mass is poured with salt, pressed with a load and left for a couple of days under room conditions.
  4. With hot salting after cooling, the blank is removed into the cold.
  5. You can try salty black mushrooms 40 days later.

How to salt black mushrooms - a simple recipe?

Perform a quick way to pick up black mushrooms will be especially easy. The appetizer will cook without additional labor and will please with excellent taste characteristics and rich mushroom aroma. To realize the recipe, use the uniodized salt, and the weight of the cargo is selected so that in a day the mushrooms are completely covered with juice.



  1. The grapes are put into the container with the caps down, pouring the layers with salt.
  2. Press the mass with a load, leave for 3 days at room conditions.
  3. Mushrooms are sent to the cold for 1.5 months in the original capacity, or pre-laid out with marinade on the banks.

How to salt black sticks in a cold way?

Picking black mushrooms in a cold way with the following recipe suggests getting a more piquant and spicy taste of snacks. At the bottom of the dish, which will be laid mushroom mass, put all kinds of greens, spicy additives, peppers, garlic, and in some cases, and cut into large rings onions.



  1. Mushrooms are laid together with spices, herbs and additives in a container, pouring the layers with salt.
  2. Press the mushroom mass with a load and leave for 3 days.
  3. Stave the workpiece in the cold
  4. Spicy salting of black mushrooms will last at least 40 days.

Black salting rods hot way

The safest way is to pick up black mushrooms in a hot way for the winter. During heat treatment, the remnants of bitterness, an unpleasant odor, and harmful toxins are completely destroyed. However, we should not neglect the preliminary soaking of the mushroom mass and limit ourselves only to cooking.



  1. In a liter of water, dissolve the salt, boil, add mushrooms.
  2. Cook the mushrooms for 15 minutes, drain, rinse.
  3. Prepare a new portion of the brine from the water and salt , add the spices, boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Mushrooms with herbs, garlic and horseradish are placed in a saline container, poured brine, pressed with a load.
  5. After 5 days, lay mass on the banks, clean for 40 days in the cold.

How to pick up black mushrooms to make it crunchy?

From the following recipe, you can learn how to salt black chunks, so that they are as crispy and delicious as possible. The secret of obtaining a characteristic crunch lies in the addition to the tank with the pickle on the bottom and over the mushroom mass sheets and horseradish root, previously scalded with boiling oak leaves.



  1. The grapes are placed in a container, on the bottom of which half the greens and spices are laid.
  2. Cover the mushroom mass with sheets of oak and horseradish.
  3. Boil water with salt, cool, pour brine mushrooms.
  4. Press the contents of the container with a load, after 5 days clean in the cold.
  5. Salty crispy black mushrooms can be sampled after 40 days.