30 tips to help the teacher

Useful tips for both teachers and moms.

1. If you need to attach something to the wall, stick a paint tape over it, and apply hot melt on top, and then fasten what you need.

So you will not stain the wall.

2. Heavy tables attach a strong construction tape.

3. Divide the class into groups using color circles.

Glue circles of different colors on the desks, thus dividing the class into several color groups. If you need to use a group, just name the color and tell me what to do.

4. Use multi-colored folders to organize them.

And complete order.

5. But this way you can extend the life of your markers.

6. If it is necessary that the inscription of the marker is not erased, cover it with a transparent nail polish.

7. Download an application such as Noise Down, which will automatically turn on the siren if it becomes too noisy.

Modern means of communication allow you to objectively assess the level of "loudness" in the classroom.

8. Assign one of the disciples as your assistant. Give him a badge "Ask me!" And let him answer the questions of other students while you are busy.

9. Paint the wooden clothespins for eggs - they can help you.

10. From ordinary folders make pockets for small cards and all sorts of trivia.

To do this, we take the usual folder-pocket and fold it in half so that the pocket remains on one side.

Take a round plate or cake shape, circle the two semicircles on the second side and cut out - these will be the pockets valves.

You can attach the Velcro to the pockets closed.

11. If the lids are clogged from the glue, soak them in vegetable oil.

And the glue will not stick.

12. Give the children brushes and water and let them practice carefully covering what is written chalk on the board, repeating the writing with a wet brush. Thus develops small motor skills.

13. Mark multi-colored Velcro, who's where to sit - this will quickly place the children in their places.

Thus, you will simultaneously break the class into groups by colors.

14. Instead of an expensive marker board, you can buy a white laminate or tile.

The same, but cheaper.

15. Old cases for DVDs are also suitable.

16. Make jars of "I'm ready!" For those who have coped with tasks before.

Fill the glass with exercise plates to occupy the students who completed the work before the rest.

17. Give children the opportunity to show where they are when they work independently.

You can use emoticons or color cards.

18. Make a box of "Beautiful beads for clever and clever". Give them to their children as a reward for diligent study.

You can buy cheap beads, and children will be pleased.

19. Make paper bracelets-memos, if you want the child about something not forgotten.

20. Use clerical clips to mark shelves - they can easily be swapped.

21. To teach children to write evenly, stick a sticker of paint on the board.

Chistopis still need, and the paint tape is good in that it leaves no traces.

22. Using the cardboard folders for magazines, separate the space for each student.

23. Put bright pompons on erasable markers to remove unnecessary records.

24. Pencils are conveniently kept in a transparent plastic box.

25. Make a box for the notebooks with the task completed. Supplement it with wooden clothespins with the names of the students.

When the children complete the assignment, they put the notebooks in a box, and the clothespins are put on board. So it will be clear who is ready.

26. To quickly remove paper labels from wax crayons, soak them in water.

27. Make a "pass corner".

28. Design a system of signs so as not to interfere with the activities.

For example, one finger - "Can I go to the toilet?", Two - "Can I drink water?", Three - "Can I take a pen?", Etc.

29. For children who do not handle the pen properly, put a small rubber ball in their hand. Let him grasp his ring finger and little finger.

30. Here so it is creatively possible to issue the usual baking tray, having adapted it for gathering of notebooks with the homework.