Frivolite for beginners

If you think that weaving lace is an occupation for old women, you are very mistaken. Braiding frivolity in the modern world of needlework is a very popular kind of hobby. And this kind of needlework is not completely limited by age, they are fond of both young girls, and quite adult women. Knitting frivolite is performed with the help of knitting needles, there are variants of weaving on bobbins, shuttles. In French, this means "easy" or "weightless". This very accurately characterizes the appearance of the product in the technique of frivolity.

Basic information about frivolite for beginners

Here's what you need to know about frivolity, if you decide to master this technique:

  1. Material. For this kind of weaving cotton threads are used. Suitable nylon, woolen, linen. The main criterion for choosing a thread is its strength, so that the lace does not tear during the weaving. As for the color of the threads, the fantasy is not limited in any way.
  2. Tools for work. Decorations in the technique of frivolity are created with the help of several tools. Let's consider some techniques:
  • Lace tattoos consists of an alternation of the main types of nodules. During the weaving, the shuttle is held in the right hand between the thumb and forefinger. Always keep the shuttle parallel to your fingers.
  • We prepare the thread: take the thumb and forefinger of the left hand that thread that stretches from the hook, and leave a 5 cm area free. We thread the fingers of the left hand and pinch between the index finger and the thumb. We take the shuttle in the right hand, while the thread goes from right to left. The thread that forms a loop on the left hand is called "working", and the thread coming to the shuttle is called "leading." The main elements are named "node", "pico", "arc". To make jewelry frivolite use only one knot, because it has the name "knot frivolite".


    Even if you are just starting to master the technique of weaving lace, you can also learn how to make jewelry. Here is a small master class on making earrings in the technique of frivolity for beginners.

    For work, you need to prepare the following tools:

    The first thing you should be prepared for is that the feeling in the fingers will be different than when doing lace. All elements must be rigid, skeleton. We put the thread in the shuttle. For work you will need a hairpin to thread the thread into beads. Such a construction is a thin wire folded in half. The end of the thread from the shuttle is put into this stud. Now all the preparations are completed. We will pull the earrings according to the specified scheme.

    Instead of decorative picos on each ring we weave one or three beads. In the place where we weave beads according to the scheme, it is necessary to bring it down, having previously separated from the total quantity dialed per shuttle. All rings are made according to the scheme: Sn-Snsn. Next, the ready-made lace base for earrings in the technique of frivolity is supplemented with beads. Round beads are placed in rings, a drop is fixed to the bottom. Further decorating the basis you can make on your own.