5 of the most difficult signs of the zodiac

Thanks to numerous horoscopes and detailed descriptions of each sign, you can highlight a huge number of ratings, focusing on certain features. We offer to consider the top 5 of the most difficult zodiac signs and their most problematic character traits with which people have to face. The information offered will allow to be fully armed, in order to establish contact with the main "villains" of the zodiacal circle.

5 of the most difficult signs of the zodiac

Of course, every person can have personal traits, but the proposed rating is averaged, that is, it concerns most of the representatives of a particular sign.

5 most complex signs:

  1. Scorpio . The main villains in the zodiac circle, the nature of which is considered one of the most difficult. Leaders by nature they reach their goals, despite possible obstacles. Scorpios are very demanding and at times tough about others. To offend the representatives of this sign is not worth it, since they are vindictive and, not having avenged their enemies, they will not rest. It should also be said that the Scorpions are owners and jealous. Negative character traits include resentment and stubbornness.
  2. Aries . People born under the auspices of this sign are often given emotions, and an unjustified impulse can provoke many problems. Arguing with Aries is impossible, because they always consider themselves rights. Inability to listen to others, is the reason that you have to spend a lot of time and energy on solving problems that you can avoid. In a relationship with such a person is not easy, because they easily fuel conflicts. Aries often face various problems because of hasty decision-making. Representatives of this sign like approval from the outside and if they do not get it, then they are locked in themselves.
  3. The twins . Representatives of this sign of the zodiac, deservedly included in the list of complex, and all because of the fact that they are capricious and at times selfish. If the opinion of others differs from their own, then, most likely, it will remain without attention. In critical situations, they easily put on a "mask of indifference" to protect themselves from others and thereby protect themselves. Twins are windmills, which often translates into impermanence, and this becomes a serious obstacle to success.
  4. Aquarius . For the representatives of this sign on the first place is his own opinion. They are not alien to neglect other people to justify their behavior. In some situations, Aquarians manifest their despotism. Despite the good mental abilities, people born under this sign, often give in to emotions, which causes many problems. It is an unstable emotional state that causes various problems. To the negative features is attributed and absent-mindedness, which leads to a loss of many chances for self-realization.
  5. Capricorn . Finally, the fifth place in the ranking of complex signs is occupied by Capricorns, with whom it is not easy to find a common language. Given the presence of "horns", it is not surprising that they are stubborn, and this trait is seen in different spheres of life. Capricorns are mean to emotions and often hide their true feelings and intentions. There are too hard and stubborn representatives of this sign, which are cold and unfeeling towards the people around, and compassion for them is unknown. Among the Capricorns, the true materialists predominate, who show their stinginess in everything.