What kind of stone is suitable for Virgo women?

Under the guise of defenselessness and the childish immediacy of the Virgin, a very strong personality hides, which is difficult enough to break with simple life troubles. These women like to solve riddles and secrets, they are attracted to all the unknown.

Virgo often aspire to be ideal in all spheres of life. If the representative of this sign has decided to marry, she will try to become the best wife and mistress. If she has a child, she will give him all the love and tenderness. In case she sets a goal to build a career, she will work late in the office, picking up a pile of papers and the boss will certainly notice such a hard worker.

What kind of stone is it worth to make your talisman to a Virgo woman?

Given such features of the nature of the diligent Virgo, astrologers and magicians recommend her to pick up a stone that will bring harmony to life and a little cool woman's ardor.

Virgo love to wear pearl jewelry and do the right thing. Pearls are a stone for people who are not afraid to take risks and lose everything in order to find even more. Too slow and calm people wear ornaments from pearls is not recommended.

The best and most reliable stone-talisman for the Virgin woman will be rock crystal. He will not only bring luck to his owner, but also protect her from spoiling and evil thoughts of detractors.

When choosing a stone for protection, one should take into account not only the sign of the zodiac, but also the date of its birth. Virgos, born in early September, are best suited: turquoise, carnelian, sapphire. Born at the end of the month astrologers advise: turquoise, agate, topaz.

What kind of precious stone is suitable for Virgo women?

The best friends of the girls are diamonds. Virgo fully confirm this rule, because this stone is suitable for them by all criteria. Naturally, a stone is not cheap, but those who are allowed financial opportunities should buy a diamond. Mages claim that he will bring the Virgin spiritual strength and improve karma . Thanks to diamond jewelry, a woman becomes more confident in herself and enters a new level of life.

Moonstone for the Virgin Woman

A better gift than a moonstone for a Virgin can not think of. He will multiply her beauty and physical attractiveness in the eyes of men. The best choice will be the rings. Jewelry with moonstone is recommended to be worn on the middle finger of the right hand.

Representatives of this sign prefer simple, not fanciful ornaments. Moonstone in this respect is ideal. The best energy will be given to the decoration given by the beloved man.

Garnet stone for the Virgin woman

The pomegranate will give Deva a feeling of inner freedom and independence. It is recommended to take it with you to the birth, it is a strong guardian, especially if you speak the stone, after reading the prayers.

The stone has the greatest influence on the female and sexual spheres. He will help mothers, strengthen the sensuality and passion in the relationship of the spouses, but in the professional sphere from him the sense of zero.

A red, effective stone will emphasize the feminine appearance of the virgin, will give her a sexy look. This is what you need, because she sometimes lacks sexuality, because Virgo is a sufficiently closed person, it needs to be liberated gradually. A short black dress in combination with pomegranate beads and earrings will help in this wonderful.

Good news for those who like to keep abreast of the latest fashion trends: pomegranate is now at the peak of popularity. Jewelry with this stone goes in great demand.