Chest pain

The feeling of pain in the chest is always frightening. And for that there are more than five reasons. They are obliged to immediately call an ambulance:

  1. Myocardial infarction - burning pain in the chest, which does not go through 15 minutes after taking nitroglycerin, "gives" to the left arm, forearm, lower jaw.
  2. The attack of angina pectoris is a pressing pain in the chest, which appears during physical exertion, stress, overeating and passes after resting or taking nitroglycerin.
  3. Exacerbation of peptic ulcer - dull pain in the chest, which worries regularly, is associated with meals.
  4. Embolism of the pulmonary artery - a sharp pain in the chest, increasing with breathing.
  5. The dissecting aortic aneurysm is a throbbing pain in the chest of an intense nature.
  6. Exacerbation of pericarditis - a pressing pain in the chest, is of a permanent nature, has the property of intensifying after a deep inspiration.

Causes of chest pain

Unfortunately, only 40% of people get to the hospital in time, feeling the above symptoms. This is bitter statistics. And yet, do not panic in advance. Unexpectedly, such diseases occur very rarely. In most cases, their predecessors are certain symptoms. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the risk factors leading to dangerous heart and lung diseases:

In addition, there are other causes of chest pain. They are less dangerous, but still require treatment to the doctor:

  1. The attack of neuralgia is a shooting pain in the chest, which is aggravated by movement and breathing.
  2. Vegeto-vascular dystonia is aching or constricting pain in the chest, appearing at high emotional stress, stress, depression.
  3. Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis - dull pain in the chest, accompanied by difficulty in inhaling.
  4. Diseases of the thoracic spine - acute pain in the chest with a change in the position of the body or aching dull pain, resulting from prolonged sitting.

Chest pain and psychosomatics

Indisputable is the connection of diseases that lead to painful sensations in the chest, with emotional status. Psychosomatics is a disease of the body due to certain disorders of the psychological state of health. Constant stress is the highest chance to acquire nervous illnesses, one of the symptoms of which is pain in the chest. For example, the same vegeto-vascular dystonia is a vivid confirmation of this. Moreover, the widely known fact of exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases is precisely with frequent or too high stresses on the nervous system. The reason is simple: emotions provoke hormonal bursts of various types, which in turn disrupt the hormonal balance of the body. The chemical processes proceeding incorrectly, lead to the defeat of the most important human systems and organs at the cellular level.

Chest pain - diagnosis

Depending on the nature of chest pain, its location and duration, it is possible to put a preliminary diagnosis of a particular disease. But the final conclusion is based on the results of additional examination, accompanying symptoms. An important role is played by the absence or presence of chronic diseases, heredity. A clear statement of the diagnosis in case of chest pain will not only solve the problem of how to get rid of chest pain, but also help to make the right decision about the course of treatment of the disease, and in some cases even save life.