How do they drink the zodiac signs?

Each person, being in alcoholic intoxication, behaves differently: some are calm, while others show aggression or are looking for adventures. If a party is planned, then you can protect yourself from unexpected and unpleasant situations, learning how to drink different signs of the zodiac. Similar characteristics were created thanks to the knowledge of astrologers and the conduct of numerous observations and studies.

How do they drink the zodiac signs?

  1. Aries . Drinking with such people in the company is quite difficult, as they will add to the partner, until he supports him in the idea to conquer the world or to find at least some adventures.
  2. Taurus . Even very drunk representatives of this sign assure others in the opposite. Taurus like to have fun until the fall, and in the truest sense of the word. That is why Gemini can be given the title "the most drinking sign of the zodiac". In a drunken state, such people very often become aggressive.
  3. The twins . Since this sign is dual, in the alcoholic state it can behave either as the soul of the company or as the devil. Pouring Gemini, you can never guess who exactly they will turn into after a few glasses.
  4. Cancer . It is under a degree you can see the true face of a person born under the auspices of this sign. In addition, drunk Cancer can be induced to do anything, as it is easy to climb.
  5. The Lion . After several glasses of alcohol representatives of this sign of the zodiac begin to talk about their "exploits", forgetting about the failures and oversights. It is also worth noting that the drunk Leo likes to tell everything in high tones.
  6. The Virgin . The drunken state of such people can be divided into three stages. In the beginning, they begin to make friends with everyone, trying, to become their own among all. The next stage - they talk about their sympathies to others, and also admit to love the object of adoration. The third stage comes in the morning when the Virgo herself feels very bad.
  7. Scales . These party lovers, being in a merry state, can do things that will be regretted in the future. Try not to become a victim of their program. Given this, Libra can be safely introduced into the group, the most drinking signs of the zodiac.
  8. Scorpio . Representatives of this sign drink in such quantity to cheer themselves up, but at the same time they intentionally start to solder others. This allows Scorpios to watch "cheerful" friends.
  9. Sagittarius . Sagittarius can be soberly recognized as an angel, but in a drunken state, it's a real devil. It is important to note that drunk Representatives of this sign are very touchy.
  10. Capricorn . After several glasses the representatives of this sign become sociable and very cheerful. By the way, they get drunk after the first toast, and look the same evening the same way.
  11. Aquarius . It is almost impossible to see such people drunk, because they are trying to leave the event as soon as possible. This is explained by the fact that the Aquarians simply do not want anyone to see them in this form and then tell about his exploits.
  12. Pisces . Being in alcoholic intoxication, representatives of this sign can survive a huge range of emotions , starting with joy and ending with hysteria.