Pumpkin diet: 10 days - 10 kg

Pumpkin diet guarantees the disappearance of 10 kg of excess weight in 10 days. Of course, the most significant weight loss is expected with serious obesity, but even if you only need to lose just a few kilos, the pumpkin diet is included in the recommendations of nutritionists.

Can I lose weight on a pumpkin diet?

Since the pumpkin is a low-calorie product (28 kcal per 100 g), including it in the menu significantly reduces the total calorie content of the daily diet. Which, of course, leads to weight loss. If you make this vegetable the basis of the diet for 10 days - this will contribute to a more serious result.

In addition to losing weight, pumpkin diet is very useful for eye diseases and anemia. Due to the high content of active plant components, the pumpkin promotes immunity strengthening and protects against the possibility of oncology development.

Despite the undoubted benefit of the pumpkin diet, it can bring and harm. This is possible if you adhere to a depleted diet for too long or completely exclude from your menu any other foods.

Pumpkin diet for weight loss for a week

A week-long diet on a pumpkin is useful when you need to quickly lose a few pounds without serious effort. The peculiarity of this diet is the inclusion of pumpkin seeds in the diet. Pumpkin seeds enrich the body with vitamins, amino acids and mineral elements that have a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, improve liver function. And this is just a short list of the beneficial effects of pumpkin seeds.

The main rule of this diet - the inclusion of pumpkin in the diet at least three times a day. A breakfast must include 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds. An approximate daily menu of pumpkin diet for weight loss for a week looks like this:

Prohibited on pumpkin diet sugar, alcohol, flour products, sweet fruits and starchy vegetables. It is very desirable to limit the use of salt. The last meal should be no later than 18-19 hours.

Menu pumpkin diet for 10 days, guaranteeing minus 10 kg

The pumpkin diet program for 10 days includes 5 days of release and 5 days of dietary nutrition.

Every even day of the diet is unloading. To eat these days is allowed only a baked pumpkin - 4-5 times a day in portions of medium size.

On even days, the pumpkin diet menu for 10 days looks like this:

The best recipes for pumpkin diet

Below are the simplest, but delicious diet recipes.

Baked pumpkin for unloading



A whole pumpkin to wash, cut and extract the seeds. Do not cut the peel, divide the pumpkin into small slices, place in a bowl for baking, sprinkle with berries or spices. Cook the pumpkin in the oven for 20-30 minutes until cooked. A ready-made pumpkin can be eaten during a fasting day.

Pumpkin puree with dried fruits



Pumpkin flesh boil or bake in the oven with dried fruits . Grind the mixture until smooth. For flavor, you can add a little orange or lemon juice.

Pumpkin soup



Vegetables cut into slices, grate the carrots, boil until ready in sufficient water. Before turning off add spices , salt and greens. Serve with a spoonful of sour cream.

Salad with Pumpkin



Pumpkin and fruit cut into small slices, ready to season salad with yogurt.

Since the size of the dishes does not limit the diet, sharply cut portions is not required. But too large portions should not be used. Drinking during the diet can tea and mineral water.