55 inspiring reasons to fall in love with this autumn

The calendar inexorably informed that another summer was left in the past, and some sad sadness settled on the soul? Drive her away!

After all, autumn is not a series of gray dank everyday days and rains on weekends, hoarse throats, unwillingness to get out from under the blanket, melancholy and sad music ...

We have found 55 inspiring reasons to fall in love with this time of year and make it the brightest and happiest!

1. To lie in fallen leaves

Well, at what other time of the year can you still do this?

2. Get out of the mezzanines favorite brogi

Time and fashion is not powerful over this shoe!

3. Photographing changes in nature

But the tree behind the window can "flash" in one night in yellow!

4. Give your favorite pet a ride in the fragrant foliage

Well, you also like it!

5. Bake for dinner apples with honey and cinnamon

Autumn diet will be your favorite!

6. Watch the rain from the window

... and rejoice that he did not find himself on the street!

7. Remove all warm blankets from the pantry

They are so cool to wrap up during the evening gatherings with friends!

8. Stock up with your favorite brand of chocolate

It does not happen much!

9. The first to make yourself an "autumn" manicure

And ask a new trend in the office!

10. Put the maple leaf instead of the usual bookmark in the diary

Bright details always cheer up!

11. Inhale the fragrance of chrysanthemums

But these are the main autumn flowers!

12. Choose a new umbrella

And let its color be one of the iridescent!

13. To be trained in rubber boots in tone to a handbag

Down with the tips of stylists, it's so cool!

14. Bake a cake with apples or pumpkin

And finally decorate it "like a magazine picture!"

15. To drink a morning coffee in the park while nobody is present

After all, being alone, it does not at all be lonely!

16. Back to the unread book

And find out that the main characters are doing well!

17. To drink a warming mulled wine

Yes, his fragrance the third day beckons you from every café.

18. Running a race with the kids on the leaves

Your little one will remember this weekend!

19. Stop to kiss your beloved!

On the street, in the park or even in front of the entrance to the entrance ... Such moments will not stop a new wave of romance!

20. Keep warm by the fire or fireplace

You've been waiting for this all summer!

21. Wake up early and brew a fragrant tea

Your family will certainly appreciate it.

22. Start active

The first thing to find out about the most fashionable exhibitions, discoveries and premiers!

23. Go to the hand-made fair

And be surprised that it's been 5 hours!

24. Pamper yourself with cozy and useful trivia

In the autumn evenings, they will create a special mood.

25. To be wrapped up in snud

Yes, it is already possible!

26. Pick up an inspiring melodrama for the evening

And it does not matter if it's the 152nd viewing!

27. Make a wreath made of maple leaves

And do not hesitate to try it on!

28. Change the avatar in social networks

Well, for good reason did you fall into leaves and wreaths!

29. Invite your friends to a cafe

You really wanted to discuss with them everything that happened over the summer!

30. To experience happiness from the first found mushroom

Even if you are not a mushroom picker.

31. Finally, wear a trench coat

And feel like a heroine of retro films!

32. Buy unusual candy in a confectioner's shop

And certainly "autumn"!

33. Collect fallen leaves of all colors

You will be surprised at their diversity.

34. And then decompose them into shades

Perfectionists will rejoice!

35. Creative invite a spouse or lover to a date

Stock up with more leaves.

36. And let the meeting be even more creative than the invitation

At other times of the year you will not repeat this!

37. Unpack the stored aromas

Their hour has come!

38. Remember your favorite hobby

Or come up with a new one!

39. Find new routes

The autumn city will surprise you not only by the streets, but also from the height of the roofs!

40. Give a wreath of leaves to a neighbor (even anonymously)

Believe me, this impulse of the soul will bring mutual happiness!

41. Buy a new lip gloss

Perhaps this fall someone will want to know its taste ...

42. Dressing in your favorite oversized sweater, even stretched

He's so warm and cozy!

43. Learn a new cookie recipe

Your autumn evenings will be even more delicious.

44. Mmm ... but what about without a cup of hot chocolate?

And do not give up a double serving of cream. In the autumn it is possible!

45. The autumn forest is so special ...

At the first weekend the whole family!

46. ​​Enjoy the aroma of apples

Only in the autumn you will be able to distinguish all varieties, even for the smell!

47. Pull funny warm socks

How great to pull them in the morning!

48. Feel the florist

Gifts and colors of autumn work wonders!

49. Plunge into the "autumn" creativity

Crafts made of natural material will carry away not only your children, but you!

50. Inspired by a leaf fall

The bright sheet that fell on the table is not a reason for a smile?

51. Make the first test

What happiness it is to open the first jar of jam!

52. Get a new tack

Well, soon you will have a new tradition - to replace them with winter ones!

53. Sitting in a taxi when the wind tears off the leaves and the rain pounding on the roof

And remember about someone, when the favorite song on the radio will play!

54. Collect autumn memories

In a special herbarium ...

55. Launch a paper boat through a puddle

And only with scarlet sails!

It looks like you will never fall out of love this autumn!