Subinvolution of the uterus after childbirth

This phenomenon refers to the number of postpartum complications. Subinvolution of the uterus is reduced uterine contraction after childbirth. As a result of such pathology, postoperative endometritis, stagnation of lochia and development of infection may occur.

Causes of poor uterine contraction after childbirth

Subinvolution of the uterus can arise due to delay in the uterine cavity of the placenta particles and membranes, polyhydramnios or lack of hydration during pregnancy, rapid or protracted labor, cesarean section. Sometimes this phenomenon is associated with the existing myoma of the uterus or a large fetus.

Diagnosis and treatment

At the first suspicions that the uterus after delivery is poorly contracted, the doctor conducts ultrasound to identify the cause that affects the development of the complication. To treat the subinvolution of the uterus after giving birth, a woman is prescribed phytopreparations for increasing uterine contractions, uterotonic drugs. If an infection has joined it, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs.

In addition, a woman should periodically apply to the lower abdomen an ice pack and often give the baby a breast . Physical loads in this period should be reduced.

If the ultrasound in the uterus reveals the remnants of the placenta or membranes, they are removed by vacuum aspiration. In rare cases, you may need to wash the uterine cavity with medicines.

The whole process of treatment should be accompanied by control ultrasound. The duration of treatment can be individual, depending on the case. However, it rarely exceeds 7-10 days, taking into account the use of antibacterial drugs. And in most cases, with timely and well-structured treatment, subinvulation of the uterus after childbirth has a positive prognosis for a complete and non-hereditary cure.