A bar employee from New York accused Kendall Jenner of greed

It does not take a day for the names of members of the Kardashian-Jenner family not to appear in the press. Today, the star of the news was 21-year-old model Kendall Jenner, whose behavior did not like one of the bartenders of the New York bar. He accused the celebrity of greed, which manifested itself in the absence of a tip.

Kendall Jenner

Check from Kendall without tips

The scandal with Jenner occurred after the bartender of the bar Baby's All Right posted a photo of his check on his page in Instagram, which was left a star. On it in the "tip" was empty. After this picture made a lot of noise, Kendall reacted to him. In her microblogging, the podium star wrote these words:

"It is very unfortunate that we have such people in our lives. I will never leave a tip with cash. "
Photo of Jenner's check

After the incident, her sister decided to protect Kylie, who supported Kendall in these words:

"Unfortunately, in our country there are people who want to cash in on the scandal with the famous person. I know my sister. In her habits, there is no offense to barmen and waiters. She always gives them a tip. "
Kylie Jenner
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Fans divided into 2 camps

Despite the fact that the bartender no longer began to raise this topic and began to publish posts that are not related to the stars, the story with Kendall greatly angered her fans, however, as ill-wishers. Here are the messages you could find on social networks: "How shameful is she? She has $ 15 million and it was difficult for her to leave $ 20 a tip? "," The star is a star ... All of them are maintenance personnel who do not cost anything "," We are second-class people for Kendall and her family. It's a shame, but she ate in our restaurant, too, without leaving a tip ", etc.

After that, on the Internet you could find positive statements about Jenner. Here's what the fans wrote about their favorite: "And I'm wondering if it was a check not Kendall, but a simple man, would a bartender publish it on the net?", "Why did everyone attack the model? Maybe she really left money for tea? "," And I believe Kendall. It seems to me that she could not be so disrespectful to the barman ", and so on.