How to do syringing with soda with thrush?

Who of the women did not come across a thrush? Virtually every time in my life I had to struggle with this unpleasant discomforting condition. And some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity this attack is pursued regularly.

Today, pharmaceutical companies offer us more and more new remedies for this ailment, but chemical preparations are not always effective and are at hand. And sometimes women want to know if soda can be syringed with thrush, and how to do it correctly.

In medical and folk practice, douching with soda and iodine for thrush has long been used to treat candidiasis. Also these methods can be used separately from each other. Alkaline environment, which is created in the vagina after washing, kills the fungus and has a healing effect.

How and when should syringe soda?

A woman with a healthy microflora and no problems with the genitourinary system, such preventive measures as syringing sodas are absolutely superfluous. But if there are regular recurrences of candidiasis - then this method will be a fairly reasonable decision.

Although you should not rely only on soda, because its effectiveness in some patients is not more than 50%, which means that the risk of recurrence of the disease is high, because in the end it remains untreated.

Even if all the external signs of a yeast infection have passed, it is still worthwhile to conduct complex therapy with the use of special agents in the form of gels, suppositories or vaginal tablets. Well-proven drugs Pimafucin, Hexicon, Diflucan, Polizhinaks, Terzhinan, Livarol, Clotrimazole, Nystatin and others.

Before doing syringing with soda at the thrush, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technical part of the process, learn contraindications and learn how to prepare a solution of the necessary concentration.

Who should not do syringing with soda?

But soda is not as harmless as it seems. Women who have inflammation of the genital area, erosion, within a month after the abortion or childbirth, during pregnancy, soda is strictly prohibited, because it corrodes an already infected and inflamed mucous. In addition, when syringing you need to know the extent - frequent use of soda can lead to dryness of the vagina and an allergic inflammatory process.

How to build soda for syringing?

For carrying out of medical action it will be necessary to prepare a solution of soda for syringing. For this, you need warm boiled water - 1 liter and a teaspoon of conventional baking soda.

People who are far from chemistry should know that in no case can use soda ash, since it is very dangerous and this substance to medicine has not the slightest relation, although it seems by name.

The proportions for syringing soda remain the same, if in them, as prescribed by the doctor, iodine is sometimes added, in the amount of 1 teaspoonful. Such a solution is carried out douching similarly. Iodine increases the speed of recovery due to the oppression of the pathogenic microflora of the vagina.

How to syringe soda from thrush?

The procedure will require a conventional syringe for 500 ml or 750 ml, but for convenience, you can use a mug of Esmarch. The solution should not be above the body temperature, but also not cool, so as not to cause discomfort. A woman needs to occupy a horizontal position with raised hips so that the water does not pour immediately, but briefly lingers in the vagina.

The procedure is carried out for 15-20 minutes for 5 days. But, as a rule, relief comes after the first time. In no case should the abandoned treatment be abandoned in order not to cause a sustained relapse. Well, when in combination with syringing there are sessile soda baths and concurrent drug treatment.