Aphid on pepper seedlings

At the end of winter, many gardeners-lovers planted seedlings at home. Most often on the windowsills germinate seeds of cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, pepper and other vegetables. Before the heat, they will ripen, sprout and, gaining strength, will during the season please their owners a good harvest.

However, even at home, plants can attack pests. Most often it's aphids - small small bugs that feed on the juice from the leaves of seedlings. Probably the greatest damage comes from aphids, parasitizing sweet pepper seedlings. It settles and multiplies on its leaves and stems, slowing the growth of seedlings and endangering crop yields, and also carries harmful filopathogenic viruses. About the symptoms of the damage to peppers by these insects and how to treat the plant against aphids and how to get rid of it from the rest of this article.

How to get rid of aphids on pepper seedlings?

To prevent the disease of plants, it is necessary, first of all, to decontaminate the soil in which you plant seeds and grow peppers . However, even so, one day you can see the aphid bugs sitting on the leaves. If you pay attention to them in time and take action, then the insects will most likely be defeated. Do not tighten - this is fraught with the death of the plant. Aphids quickly multiply, with time the bugs become more and more, and the damaged leaves of the seedling become yellow and sluggish, after which they may begin to fall off. If you plant such seedlings in the ground, it is likely to get bad or it will hurt. Hence the conclusion: you need to get rid of aphids as early as possible.

This can be done in several ways: choose one that is more acceptable for you, or combine them, increasing the effectiveness of killing aphids.

  1. The use of insecticides against aphids (Nurell-D, a cruiser and others) is the most effective way to combat small parasites. It gives a good result, but, unfortunately, is not suitable for use inside a dwelling.
  2. Another popular method of getting rid of aphids is spraying the seedlings with a soap solution. To do this, take a small piece of soap (5 g), grate it on a fine grater and dissolve in a liter of warm water. It should be sprinkled with this solution seedlings of sweet pepper (or other vegetables, affected aphids) using an atomizer. Repeat the procedure for spraying pepper seedlings often, every 1-2 days. Literally in a few days you will notice that aphids have become much less, but do not quit this matter, because the larvae of aphids, laid by insects, still remain on the seedlings.
  3. Also, the method of rubbing the leaves on both sides with a soap solution works well. This should be done carefully, trying not to damage the fragile stems and leaves of the seedling. For wiping, use a soft cloth that is well moistened in the solution.
  4. As practice shows, the following variant helps to get rid of white aphids. Take a little ordinary wood ash, pour water (10 liters per glass of powder) and insist for a day, then strain and add a tablespoon of liquid soap. Spray this liquid can be both seedlings and shoots on the bed. If desired, wood ash can be replaced with tobacco dust: it is sold together with other products for the garden and garden.
  5. After planting the sprouts of sweet pepper in the soil, you can also collect the aphids by hand. This will slightly reduce the number of insects, but will not allow them to be completely eliminated, since aphid bugs are very small: adult individuals reach only 2 mm in length, and aphid larvae can simply not be noticed by the naked eye. Therefore, when the pepper is already sitting on the bed, it is advisable to combine this method with the use of insecticides to the complete destruction of aphids.