Low-calorie food

Low-calorie food is the most important thing that will help you lose weight. Calories are energy, and if the body is not able to squander it, then the body stores it for the future in the form of fat cells. A low calorie diet is the basis of both weight loss and weight maintenance. Consider what is the most low-calorie food.

Delicious low-calorie food

Immediately it is worthwhile to understand that calories are not enough primarily in plant foods, and especially in leafy vegetables. You can eat as many leaves as possible in all its forms, but you will not get better, because 100 grams account for only 12 calories. After salad, Peking cabbage, rucola and similar products should be white cabbage, as well as broccoli - their caloric content is 24-27 units. Similarly, low rates are in cucumbers, squash, tomatoes and many other vegetables (except for starchy ones, such as corn, potatoes and legumes).

If we talk about dishes with low calorie content, they are easier to prepare at home, rather than somewhere to find. In modern cafes and restaurants, except specialized, you can rarely find low-calorie food with the indication of calories.

If you are wondering what the most low-calorie food in McDonald's, where many often dine, then pay attention to salads and tea without sugar. The average hamburger conceals in itself almost full daily norm of fats and about 600 calories, which is half the daily norm for a slimming girl. Of course, nuggets and a portion of french fries are no better than ice cream, hot chocolate and other assortment.

Delicious low-calorie food: recipes

It is much easier and more convenient to cook low-calorie food at home. So you accurately control the amount of fat, the quality of the ingredients and all the other parameters. We bring to your attention simple and low-calorie recipes.

Salad from greens and vegetables



All the randomly cut, mix, season with a mixture of lemon juice and butter, add salt and black pepper to taste. Caloric content per 100 gr. - 37 units, and the whole serving - 114 kcal.

Light soup with tomatoes and peas



Water boil, put the vegetables, cook until cooked. Salt and spices to taste. Soup is better "to be damped", having held on low fire about 30-40 minutes after boiling. Add salt and pepper to taste. According to this recipe, the dish has only 15 calories per 100 grams, you can eat it unlimitedly.

Chicken bigus



Fry the chicken breast in the saucepan (previously it can be marinated in spices), add finely chopped cabbage, cover, stew for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Caloric content per 100 grams is 49 kcal.

Stewed zucchini with chicken



In a small amount of oil in the saucepan fry onions, carrots and chicken, add zucchini, mix, after 5-10 minutes add cheese and broth. Stir everything, simmer for about 30 minutes. You will be surprised, but in this satisfying dish only 46 calories and not more than 2 grams of fat per 100 g of product.

If low-calorie food is the basis of your diet, then you will easily lose weight, without exerting excessive effort and without going through hunger strikes. As can be seen from our examples, healthy food can be tasty, satisfying and varied.