A sparrow flew into the house

The main purpose is to help people avoid possible problems and evil. Sparrows are considered unhappy birds that have been cursed by God for their sins. There is a legend that on the feet of these birds there are invisible chains, so they can not walk on the ground and only jump. They involve a large number of superstitions, which are more negative. One of the popular signs - a sparrow flew out the window. Many are confident that such phenomena predict death, whether or not it is worth investigating.

A bird sparrow flew into the house

If a person has noticed that a bird has flown in his dwelling, then in no case can it be driven away and all the more so as to try to kill. Since ancient times, there is an opinion that the birds can be inhabited by the souls of dead people. If the sparrow flew into the house, then according to a sign, it's someone from relatives who died, decided to remind of themselves or warn about important events. The man who drives the bird will bring disaster upon himself. The sparrow must leave the room on its own, for which just open the windows wide. After this, it is recommended to pour the crumbs or grains on the windowsill and say "Fly for food, not for the soul". Still need to go to church and pray.

There is another version, according to which the soul of a dead person enters the sparrow and he comes to take with him a living soul, which means that some member of the family may die in the near future. Many people, knowing that if a sparrow has flown into the house, this is a bad sign and, thinking what to do, they try to catch a bird, put it in a cage and keep it in the house. This is a serious mistake, since so many troubles and illnesses are attracted to the house.

If the sparrow flew and immediately flew, then it is believed that trouble will bypass you. Perhaps the bird just lost its way, so do not tune in to something bad, because thoughts are material .