Recipes for honey treatment

There are many recipes for honey treatment, which are used to restore the cardiovascular system, liver, stomach and other organs. This effect is due to the presence of a multitude of trace elements: manganese, iron, potassium, magnesium and many others. Also, it contains some useful acids and vitamins.

Recipe for treatment of stomach with honey


Preparation and use

Water boil and add to it a plant. Leave for a few minutes, then let it rest for half an hour. Peel off large elements, add honey and stir. Take inside 75 ml three times a day for an hour before meals. The treatment lasts for a month, the same break is done and repeated.

This medicine helps restore the digestive tract.

Recipe for eye treatment (cataracts) with honey


Preparation and use

Before squeezing out the juice from aloe, it can not be watered for three days. The liquid mixes with honey and water. The medicine needs to be prepared every day new. The agent should be instilled in the eye three drops a day. The course of treatment should not exceed one month - be sure to take a break for four to six weeks. This tool will help to significantly improve vision. The main thing is to do everything correctly.

Recipe for diabetes honey


Preparation and use

Peel onion and cut as finely as possible. Add honey and water to it. To stir thoroughly. The resulting product is placed on the stove and cooked on low heat for at least three hours. Then allow to cool and pour over the containers, which are tightly closed. You need to drink medicine one tablespoon three times a day. The course lasts until the remedy is over, then a break is made a month and repeated.

Many experts believe that this tool helps improve the overall condition of diabetics , despite the content of fast carbohydrates in the composition.