Why can not I pass through the doorstep?

The border separating the dwelling from the street has always been considered not only from a practical point of view. Our ancestors could explain to everyone why they do not pass anything through the threshold, do not sit on it, and the more important is the harmless plaque under the door that she must bow down at the entrance to the house.

Why can not you transfer things and money through the doorstep?

To begin it is necessary to find out the role of the threshold in the ancient world. Previously, the space behind the door represented a lot of dangers, so the house tried to protect all available forces, not only from physical intrusion, but also from intangible impact. That is why the thresholds were made high enough that evil spirits could not overcome them. And under them were put various wards , not allowing bad thoughts and intentions to go into the house and carry with them intangible essences.

But if the energy value of the threshold is so high, why can not things be transmitted through it? The problem is that people standing on opposite sides of the entrance will be located literally in two different worlds, since the threshold draws a clear boundary between them. And this will certainly affect the status of communicating people, which means that it will be difficult for them to understand each other. That is why it is believed that not only communication through the threshold is impossible, but it is worthless to pass through it. If the parties initially have an energetically opposite vector, then both the thing and the money can not be used so that it suited both. As a result, quarrels and all sorts of failures.

Another explanation why they do not pass through the threshold can be the faith of ancestors in the presence of not only evil, but also good spirits who also live at the border of the house and protect its inhabitants. If you stand too long on the doorstep, pass something through it, talk, that is, use it inappropriately, then spirits can get angry. And it's good, if it ends in petty dirty tricks, but they can stop guarding the house, and evil will immediately pour into it.

Of course, all this is no proven superstition, but our ancestors, despite the lack of knowledge, were not always wrong.