Dove sat on the window cornice - a sign

Of course, believe in the signs or not - it's up to you, but to pay attention to interesting coincidences of life (or not coincidence?) Still worth it. It is not superfluous to note that there are superstitious people who are ready to see the secret meaning in every detail, in every subject or phenomenon, even where there is none. Usually, signs are associated with some important events, unusual behavior of animals and birds.

The dove sat on the window ledge - what's this for?

What can this mean? In order to understand this issue, it is worth remembering that already in the Bible there is a mention of the pigeon-bird, which announced to Noah that the time of the worldwide flood had passed. He brought good news: the earth is near, and in its confirmation - in its beak was an olive branch - a symbol of peace and salvation. And if so, then we can assume that if the dove sat on the cornice of the window - a good sign, since this bird usually carries good news.

What else could this sign mean?

Signs with birds from different peoples can mean opposing concepts and representations. But we are about our own, so:

We are modern people, but they are surprisingly superstitious and are subject to the influence of various kinds of fortunetellers, clairvoyants, fortune tellers who do not stint on forecasts and often use signs in them, but whether or not to believe in them is everyone's business