Washing with clay

Stress, inaccuracies in the formulation of diet and adverse environmental conditions have a very negative effect on the condition of the skin of the face. Some women believe that daily washing with clay can help deep and high-quality clean pores, improve the color of the epidermis, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, especially in the summer.

Clay for dry skin of face

As is known, the natural compound in question is a potent sorbent. Sometimes this advantage becomes a disadvantage, because clay absorbs not only toxins and pollution, but also moisture.

For dry skin, it is recommended to use exclusively red clay. It contains aluminum-silicon compounds, iron, hematite, copper, magnesium and potassium. Due to this composition, clay practically does not dry the skin, promotes its toning, rejuvenation and purification.

It is important to correctly apply the product for washing - a small amount of red clay powder diluted in milk or pure water to the state of liquid sour cream.

Clay for oily skin

To normalize the secretion of secretion by sebaceous glands, cosmetologists advise using blue and black (gray-black) clay. All these types of product perfectly clean and narrow the pores, reduce the fat content of the skin, smooth the epidermis and effectively fight inflammation, preventing the appearance of pimples and acne.

Mode of application:

  1. Half a teaspoon clay powder mixed with water in an amount of 50 ml.
  2. Apply the mass to the skin and massage it lightly with your fingertips, do not rub or leave to dry.
  3. Wash the clay with an abundant amount of running water.
  4. Always lubricate your face with a cream or moisturizing tonic.

Clay for combination skin

In the presence of normal skin with problem areas, yellow and green clay are good. These compounds are rich in sulfur, iron oxide, sodium. Means from clay normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands without drying out the upper layer of the epidermis.

It is worth noting that every day to wash with green and yellow clay is not necessary, it can provoke redness and irritation. It is enough to perform 1 procedure in 3-4 days, preferably in the morning. The product is recommended to be mixed with mineral non-carbonated water so that a mass of gel consistency is obtained. After a 5-minute massage, the clay should be washed off, and the face skin with a light moisturizing cream.

The only contraindication to the use of these means is rosacea or rosacea.

White clay for problem skin

If the skin often appears rashes, acne, comedones and purulent inflammation, cosmetologists advise the use of white clay. It has the most intensive sorption properties, so it quickly and effectively cleanses the pores, while acting as an antiseptic and antibiotic, it smooths the relief and complexion.

Washing with white clay should also not be done daily. To achieve the desired results, it is desirable to do the procedures 1 time in 2-3 days, in the morning and in the evening or only after awakening. You can use the standard recipe, diluting clay with water or milk, but there is also a more effective tool.

The composition for washing:

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon baking soda and boric acid.
  2. Add 100 g of finely chopped white clay to a good cleaning.
  3. All mixed and moved to a dry glass container with a lid.
  4. The obtained powder is used as a basis for washing, diluting its small amount with water.
  5. To enhance the effect, you can add 1 drop of tea tree essential oil 1 time per 10 days during the procedure.