What does the left foot scratch?

It is difficult to find a person who does not know any signs. Everyone has the right to determine for themselves whether to believe in them or not, but in some cases it is worth listening to them. Superstitions arose not just so, it is a kind of observations and conclusions made by our ancestors. With their help you can learn about some facts of the future. The signs describing what the left foot, arm, eyes and other parts of the body are itching are quite popular. It is important to understand that the itching in the body is not always magical in some cases, it can mean the presence of some disease, for example, fungus. If the problem persists for a long time, you need to see a doctor immediately.

What does the left foot scratch?

There is an opinion among the people that itching at the feet predicts a long trip or travel. The reason for such an urgent departure will be the news received recently. Many people insist that there was this sign, when people did not have the opportunity to ride horses and they constantly walked. There is an opinion that if the foot of the left leg is scratched, then the person thinks about escaping. In simple words, we can say that at the moment there is a feeling of fatigue, and there is a desire for some reason to get rid of. There is a sign that the left foot often itches in people who have a well-developed fantasy and sense of humor . If the athlete's leg itches before some kind of competition, then he will certainly become the winner. Among people, also common is the sign that if the itch is scratched, then in the head there are thoughts to change to a loved one, that is, "go left."

Significance of the signs, why the left foot is itchy depending on the localization of the itching:

  1. If the itching arose in the region of the left heel, then at the moment a person is wasting time and the business he is engaged in will fail. Still there is an opinion that the localization of the itch in this area indicates that the road, which soon will have to go, will be unsuccessful. When the heel it itches in the cold season is a harbinger of a cold snap, if itching appeared in the warm season, then it will be hot.
  2. There is a sign explaining why it is not the entire foot that is scratched, but only the thumbs. In this case, the sign means that you have to suddenly leave the house and go on a long journey.

In general, since ancient times people believed that behind the right shoulder a man sits an angel, and behind the left - a devil. That is why everything related to the left part of the body is mostly negative. Itching in the right foot also means that in the near future it is necessary to go on a long journey.

Other signs associated with the left foot

  1. If a person accidentally shuffled his foot on the ground while walking - this is a harbinger of disappointment.
  2. Entering a new room, stepping on the left leg, then, soon, some misfortune will occur.
  3. If a person began to wear shoes with the left leg - this is a sign that today will be a bad day.
  4. Owners of six fingers on the left foot are lucky in life.
  5. If the index finger is longer than the large one, then the person has a bad character . For representatives of the fair sex, such a sign means that it will be the main one in the family.
  6. The owner of the high arch of the foot has a good origin, but the flat foot is a bad sign.
  7. If the first person who appeared in the house in the New Year has a flat foot, then the year will be bad for all members of the family. When he has a high vault - a year will pass well, without serious problems.
  8. There is a sign that if you meet a man on a flat foot on Monday, then the whole week will be unhappy.

Many people confirm that they have on their own experience more than once convinced that these signs actually work.