Delicious pancakes on yogurt

From our today's recipes you will learn how to make delicious, lush pancakes on kefir. Observing simple recommendations, you can provide yourself and your family with a delicious and healthy breakfast, prepared both traditional pancakes, and with the addition of pumpkin or apples.

The recipe for delicious lavish pancakes on yogurt



Initially, we'll pick up the egg with sugar and a pinch of salt until it's splendid. Sour kefir in a small saucepan or scoop and set to fire. Warm it, stirring, until the flakes, that is, almost to a boil and remove from the fire. Next, a little bit with a table spoon with a thin trickle we introduce hot kefir into the egg mass, stirring intensively to avoid clotting of eggs. Then add vanilla sugar to the mixture, sift the flour and stir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The dough should turn out like a thick sour cream, not flowing. At the end of the batch, add baking soda and mix again.

Immediately proceed to baking pancakes. In the pan with a thick bottom we pour a little vegetable oil without a smell, warm it up nicely and with the help of a dining room or a dessert spoon we impose the cooked dough, forming pancakes. When the products become rosy on one side, turn them over to the other and, after reducing the heat, we stand for another couple of minutes under the lid.

On readiness, we take the pancakes on the dish, if desired, by soaking the excess fat with a paper towel or a napkin.

Delicious pancakes with pumpkin on kefir



We pass the cleaned pumpkin through a medium grater, mix it with eggs, sugar and a pinch of salt and mix. Then pour kefir, pour the sifted wheat flour and mix until all the flour balls are dissolved.

We bake pumpkin pancakes traditionally in a heated frying pan with vegetable refined oil on both sides and immediately serve hot to the table. Bon Appetit!

Delicious pancakes with apples on yogurt



Kefir at room temperature is mixed with sugar, salt and egg until smooth. Now we sift the wheat flour into the mixture, mix it and add the soda. The mass should be homogeneous and resemble a thick sour cream in consistency. The apples are rid of the peel and core with seeds, pass through a medium or large grater and add to the test. We mix everything thoroughly and let it stand for about twenty minutes.

At the end of the time, without stirring the dough, we begin the baking process. We put a spoonful of a little dough on a heated pan with vegetable oil without a smell and we keep the pancakes from two sides to ruddy.

Delicious pancakes on yogurt without eggs



In kefir we dissolve sugar and salt, add vanilla sugar or vanillin, pour the sifted wheat flour and mix. Enter vinegar extinguished soda and mix again, now even to homogeneity, if necessary adding flour to get a consistency of thick sour cream.

We cook pancakes traditionally in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil without a smell, browning until prepared on both sides.