Aglaonema "Maria"

One of the close relatives of the diffenbachia is Aglaonema. They are even sometimes confused with each other. Its genus consists of about 50 species, one of the most popular of which is changeable. In this article you will get to know one of her varieties - Aglaonoma Maria.

The characteristic features of Maria's Aglaoneme

This evergreen plant is a magnificent bush height of 30-50 cm with dark green ellipsoidal leaves, along which there are silver spots. At that, light inclusions on the leaf blade are slightly less than in other varieties of this species.

This flower is perfectly suitable for growing in room conditions, because due to the large number of leaves and their rich color, it can be painless for a long time under artificial lighting and even in the shade.

Blossom Aglaonema Maria in July-August. First there is an inflorescence of several cobs wrapped in a light green veil, and then orange-red fruits are formed.

In the varietal group of Maria's Aglaonemia also includes the varieties "Maria Cristina", which grows slightly higher than the usual (up to 70 cm), and "Maria Anna" with smaller leaves.

In order not to engage in resuscitation of a sick and weakened plant, you should know how to care for Aglaonema Maria.

Aglaonema Maria - care at home

First of all, pay attention to:

  1. Location. This flower is best placed on the northern, western or eastern windows, as it reacts poorly to direct sunlight. We must ensure that there are no drafts in this place.
  2. Watering and feeding. In summer, a lot of watering is needed and fertilizer is applied every 2 weeks, in the cold season it is better to water through the pan so that there is no waterlogging.
  3. Transplantation. Transplant in a larger pot should only be done if necessary, adults should be given this procedure no more than 3 years later.

Of the diseases most often appear root rot, which can be identified by the yellowing of the leaves, and from the pests - red and spider mite, mealybug, thrips. If found on a flower, it will need to be processed, and in some cases even to change the soil.