Gloxinia - home care

Bright velvet flowers and leaves of this plant always look on the windowsill at home and bring bright accents to the interior. Caring for a flower is relatively simple, and a variety of colors allows you to create real flower beds on the window.

Gloxinia - flower care and reproduction

Transplant or plant new plants best after the end of the rest period. Once you see very small sprouts on the tubers, this will be the signal to start work. To care for gloxinia during reproduction and during transplantation, the first thing to do is to prepare the tubers.

  1. Before planting, the plant is removed from the old pot and cut off all dry roots, except the largest ones. Further, the tuber is washed under a stream of warm running water. In the same way, the tubers of freshly purchased plants are prepared for transplant to a permanent place.
  2. After a warm shower, the tuber is examined for damage or rot . All this is cut to a healthy part and sprinkled with crushed coal. If you caught a little wrinkled and softish tuber, pre-wrap it in a damp cloth and after a couple of days it will become again dense.
  3. From the diseases you got rid of, you can do the prevention of pests and diseases . For the care of gloxinia at home, fungicides and disinfectants are excellent.
  4. As for the selection of soil for the cultivation of gloxinia, here one should search for light and acidic soil. It is desirable to choose a mixture based on peat.
  5. One of the secrets, how to grow gloxinium, is the correct tuber planting in the pot . Be sure to pour a layer of drainage, then the earth itself and in the middle we make a hole under the tuber. Then pour more land to cover two-thirds of the height of the tuber. When watering, water should be added only along the edge so as not to fall on the planting material.

When nursing at home, gloxinium is propagated with leaf, peduncle, cuttings and tuber division. The variant with the sheet is the simplest and therefore popular: for work young leaflets are taken during budding and literally stuck into the substrate. You can take a large sheet and cut into it veins, and then also insert into the ground. It is convenient to simply cut the old tuber into several pieces and drop it into a pot already by a familiar method.

Gloxinia at home: the secrets of successful growing

One of the most important moments is competent irrigation. The plant can be watered either in the vase itself or in the pallet, which is more preferable. The vodka should be cleaned and at room temperature. If you pour water in the pan, the land will get much more evenly wet.

In a couple of days after the transplant, you can start feeding. Do this once a week and a half or two weeks after the watering in the evening. If you follow this rule, the plant will be pleased with the rich foliage and bright flowers. It is equally important for the quality of flowering lighting in the room. When growing gloxinia it is important to provide bright and simultaneously scattered light. A flower loves space and does not want to be in the shadow of another plant.

When you incorrectly arranged the flowerpot and there is little light, the flower will let you know about it as follows:

Diseases in gloxinia - not uncommon, and even the most thorough care is not a guarantee of getting rid of them. The most frequent "guests" in the flowerpot are powdery mildew and gray rot. Most likely, the room is too humid or you sprayed the leaves with water. If the foliage turns yellowish, this may be evidence of excessive amounts of fertilizers or light. But as soon as you correct your mistakes, the plant will once again please with bright flowers and greens.