Agave - home care

Like the majority of all succulents, the medicinal house plant agave does not need special care. A nefarious agave can not be called exactly. Agave care at home is simple. We will describe this in more detail.

Short description

The description of the plant begins with the fact that the agave is a rooted herbaceous perennial with an undeveloped or very short stalk. Agave can have a different color of leaves - from blue to light green. It depends on the plant species, which number about three hundred. Sheet leaves adorn the solid subulate or denticulate denticles of brown color. In nature, perennial can grow up to five meters in height, and at home rarely exceeds fifty centimeters. By the way, the height of dwarf species can be only three centimeters. The agave is growing slowly, but blooming only once or twice with an interval of ten to twenty years.

Features of care

If you want to grow this perennial house, make sure that the pot with the plant is in a well-lit place. This succulent responds very well to direct sunlight. With regard to the optimum temperature, then it maintains at a level of 18-28 degrees. In summer, agave can be planted in the ground. Please note, temperatures below +10 degrees for most agave species are fatal!

Water the plant carefully. One or two times a week for the agave will be enough, and in winter watering is reduced to once a month. If the moisture in the pot stagnates, then the roots will begin to rot, which will lead to the death of perennial. When watering, make sure that moisture does not get into the center of the plant's rosette!

In the spring, agave can be fed with special cactus mixtures, which contain a minimum amount of nitrogen. In winter, rid the plant of any type of fertilizer. If the plant is affected by diseases or pests, measures must be taken immediately, since perennial can perish. When striking with a shield or thrips, which represent the greatest danger, treat the succulent with a cotton disc moistened with vodka, alcohol or beer. However, only a special solution of "Aktellik" will help save the agave, if the lesion is of a massive nature. A good preventive tool - wiping leaves with a soap solution or water with the addition of several cloves of garlic.