Plant the bathing-place

The bathing-place is a meadow plant spread over all natural belts. It can be found absolutely in any area: from the vast Russian meadows to the Asian deserts. There are about 20 varieties of this flower all over the world.

Myths and legends about the bathing suit

Different peoples attribute to this flower mythical properties and their history. The Germans, for example, call it Trollblume - the flower of a troll. It is believed that fairy trolls love this flower very much. Where the bathing-house grows, they gather at the full moon and cook from it a magical healing drink. In Russia, the bathing-place received its name from the pagan holiday of Ivan Kupala. It blooms in this period and the first flowers of the Russian people accepts for the messengers from Ivan Kupala. In different countries, people call it in their own way. In Germany - "troll flower", in Ukraine - "fries" and "night blindness", Muscovites affectionately call it "avdotkoy", and Vologda residents - "cufflinks". There are many more names of this plant, associated with its appearance and flowering period.

Harm and benefit from a bathing suit

Most often today, a bathing-house is used as an ornamental plant for decorating gardens, flower beds and suburban areas. She is unpretentious in nursing, she lives for several years and blooms for at least a month with bright yellow flowers. Most often the landing of a bathing-house in flowerbeds is combined with blue irises or forget-me-nots.

The bathing-place was widely used as an ideal plant for making bouquets. This flower well stands in the vase and does not fade for a long time.

Despite the fact that the bathing-place is considered a poisonous plant, it is also used in folk medicine. Herbalists use it externally as a means of rubbing against edema and tumors, and the decoction from the bathing suits is taken as an antiseptic and hemostatic. In order to unequivocally answer the question, the bathing-place is poisonous or not, it is necessary to determine the method of its application. If improper treatment and exceeding the recommended dose, its use can cause significant harm to your health. But knowledgeable people consider a bathing-house a useful plant.

How does the bathing-house look like?

Its flower is spherical, resembling a little rose, but smaller in diameter (5-7cm). In color, different varieties have all the shades of yellow: bright orange to pale lime. The bathing-gown grows bushes, the height from half a meter to a meter. Each flower head is planted separately on its even, unbranched stem. The leaves have a palate-dissected shape and all shades of green: from green to emerald green.

Bathing suit - planting and care

If you decide to cultivate these flowers for decorative purposes, we will tell you a little about the breeding of the bathing suit. You can plant it with seeds and cuttings. Seeds are planted in late summer or in autumn - for the winter. The first seedlings appear in the spring. They need to be watered abundantly and wait for the appearance of leaves (usually in May). Then the seedlings dive at a distance of 6-9 cm from each other.

Features of care for a bathing suit are the frequent watering and loosening of the soil. The plant must be regularly weeded and fertilized with peat or humus. If you want to achieve a secondary flowering in a season, cut out all the faded flowers.

Some varieties of ornamental bathing suits have larger calyx flowers (up to 10cm in diameter) and are capable of biting. They are used to decorate flower beds. Planting a bathing place on a permanent place of flowering (lawns, flower beds ) is recommended for the second year, because in the first year the flowers are still small, and the stems are thin and single. And on a permanent place the bathing-houses will grow and bloom to 10 years.