Kalanchoe does not bloom - what to do, how to make it blossom?

If the Kalanchoe does not blossom, what to do or try to its owner, the new ovaries will not appear without proper care and prevention of the appearance of diseases. Succulent can experience a stressful situation or vice versa, need it, so that the stem throws out the buds and the flowering process passes without any defects.

Why does not the Kalanchoe blossom at home?

To find out the reason for the futility of all attempts to cause the appearance of ovaries on a plant, one must understand its life cycle. Blooming is the logical completion of vegetative turnover, which in most plants repeats from year to year at the same time. Specifically, this flower is characterized by the appearance of new buds in the period from December to July. The reasons for this process to be broken, there may be several - and each of them can help to understand why the decorative Kalanchoe does not bloom:

Why does the Kalanchoe not bloom and grow up?

Among the widespread causes, for which no new ovaries appear, is called unnecessarily vigorous growth of the succulent. Kalanchoe does not bloom and stretch when its owner does not follow the height of the indoor plant and does not limit it. The optimum value for it does not exceed 25-35 cm. The stem can grow up to 40 cm if in the care of it the following errors are allowed:

  1. Refuse to pinch. It arises because of fear of contamination or plant death, which can be avoided by disinfecting the wound.
  2. A large number of fertilizers. Overfeeding does not allow the formation of ovaries, because fertilizers stimulate the expansion of the leaf plate.
  3. High ambient temperature. Succulents consider heat to be the best medium for the formation of a tall bush, therefore, at the heat of the Kalanchoe, it does not bloom. What to do with this, it is not difficult to solve: the plant needs to be transferred to a cool place.

Kalanchoe does not grow and does not blossom

When the plant is limited in growth and does not plan to bloom, the leaves show whitish spots or cracks. The reason why the Kalanchoe does not bloom is related to the following list:

Why the Kalanchoe has ceased to bloom?

The growth of the already existing flowers and the dying out of the buds freezes if the air becomes cool or drafts appear. If the decorative Kalanchoe does not bloom, but the temperature regime has not changed, this can mean only one thing - the succulent is in a stressful state. There are three provoking factors for such depression:

How to make a Kalanchoe blossom?

At the same time, stress allows you to whip up a bud, but only if it lasts a short time and is controlled from the outside. Experts know what to do if the blossoming Kalanchoe does not bloom and suddenly lost all the ovaries. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  1. Increase the frequency of irrigation. The soil under the succulent should be constantly moist for 2-3 days.
  2. Double portion of fertilizer. Spontaneous top-dressing outside the plan to force the plant to grow "sleeping" ovaries.
  3. Loosening of the soil at the roots. Aeration of the root system enhances the immunity of the buds.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld does not blossom - what should I do?

There are at least 130 species of Blossfeld's variety: each has small double flowers of a variety of shades - pink, orange, red and yellow. Kalanchoe Blossfeld does not bloom if he grows in a darkened spot He does not like direct light either, but he responds with a large number of ovaries to bright lighting. Determine the correctness of care, stimulating flowering can be on two grounds:

  1. The presence of a red border on the leaves of the plant. When the Kalanchoe does not bloom, the ovaries do not appear if the leaves have a uniform green color. Red "strip" signals that the plant receives the right amount of water and nutrients.
  2. Absence of fungal diseases. If brown spots appear on the leaves, they are removed, and the cut sites are treated with a fungicide.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva does not blossom

The Kalandiva variety is considered the most adapted to living in an apartment or house. His bright double flowers are collected in large inflorescences, so if one inflorescence perishes, then the petals of neighboring ones also wither. It has one feature: while other succulents lose the ability to bloom because of moisture on the leaves, Kalandiva, even if you consider that it is a subspecies of Kalanchoe, does not bloom if it is not sprayed. It is difficult to tolerate dry air, so spray the plant with room temperature water at least 2-3 times a day.

How to cut a Kalanchoe to blossom?

Pruning is recommended for any of the species of this ornamental plant as a stimulating flowering measure. The process is the removal of unnecessary leaves or painful peduncles to prevent the development of diseases and giving a neat form. Since with the development of the stem the upper shoots have the property of becoming thinner and becoming barren, it is important to know how to properly pinch the Kalanchoe so that it blooms. Two of these processes (pinching and clipping) are similar, so they can be combined into one:

  1. First you need to choose the weakest apex of the plant, which have not been covered with flowers for a long time.
  2. Scissors or fingers remove a small part of the stem with the expectation that the remaining wound was small.
  3. The edges of the stems after plucking to prevent deaths are strewed with ash or charcoal.

Flower Kalanchoe - how to care to bloom?

In order for the ovary to appear on the plant, the care regime for it must be radically revised. It is not worth thinking about how to make a Kalanchoe blossom at home - you just need to exclude the factors that prevent this process. These include:

  1. Excess of sunlight. A constant stay on the windowsill, which is located on the sunny side of the dwelling, causes the plant to grow in height, spending all the juices on this process.
  2. Abandonment of excessive watering. The leaves of the bush are capable of accumulating moisture and consuming it gradually, so the lack of water is not as destructive as its excess. In summer, the procedure should be repeated once a week, in winter - twice.
  3. Fertilizer is a special complex for succulents. If the Kalanchoe does not bloom, no matter what its owner tried to do, it could mean that it needs a mineral complex with potassium, sodium and manganese in the composition.