Amiksin - indications for use

Medication Amiksin is prescribed for viral diseases. And this is not surprising, because the basis of Amiksin's work is an increase in the body's immune forces. In other words, the drug Amiksin acts as an immunomodulator. In addition, according to reviews and statements of medical companies, Amixin is absolutely non-toxic and completely eliminated from the body. As for the side effects, they practically do not arise, it can be a short-term chill or allergy.

Composition of Amiksin

Active substance in the composition of Amiksin is the tipon. Getting into our body, the tyronon causes a response from the liver cells, gastrointestinal tract, lymphocytes and white blood cells. In response to the action of the thyroron, the above cells begin to produce interferon, a natural human protein that constitutes our basic immune defense.

During the period of viruses, Amixin pills stop their increase and spread through the human body.

Amiksin is used to strengthen the body's own strength and withdrawal of infections when:

How to take Amiksin?

Amiksin IC is sold in the form of tablets for children's use of 60 mg and for adults - 125 mg. Take the drug after eating, squeezed with water.

During exacerbations of ARVI and influenza, Amixin is considered by many as an opportunity to avoid the disease. In this case, appoint one tablet once a week for six weeks.

With already diagnosed influenza or acute respiratory viral infection, Amiksin is prescribed the first two days of 1 per day, and the four others with an interval of 48 hours.

For the treatment of neuroviral infections, the dose of amixin can be increased to two tablets per day in the first two days, then all of the following - with an interval of 48 hours.

Treatment for hepatitis A and B is similar to that for ARVI and Gripp, but the course of administration includes 10-20 tablets, as directed by a doctor. With hepatitis C, 50 tablets are included in the treatment regimen.

Therapy for chlamydiosis, both urogenital and respiratory, is prescribed in the same way as influenza treatment, but consists of 10 tablets.

Application in the treatment of tuberculosis consists of 20 tablets, of which the first two days are taken on 2 tablets a day, all the rest - 48 hours after the previous one.

Amiksin can be prescribed along with antibiotics, since it does not affect their effect. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, as well as children under 7 years of age and with intolerance of the constituents of the medicine.

Amiksin and alcohol should not be taken together, since the latter can stop the operation of the active active substance of the drug.

Analogues of Amiksin

Cheap analogs of Amiksin are other immunomodulating drugs with a similar spectrum of action. One of the most famous and close to Amiksin is Lavomax with the same composition. It is produced in tablets of 125 mg. At a price, he is somewhat inferior to Amiksin.

If you choose Amiksin or Ingavirin, then you need to consider, for the treatment of what diagnosis is needed one or the other. At Amiksin the spectrum of work is wider, Ingavirin is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of influenza, ARVI, adenovirus. Ingavirin is available in capsules of 30 and 90 mg, the dosage is prescribed by a doctor.

Other drugs with a similar effect on the body, but another composition, are Anaferon, Otsilokoktsinum, Kagotsel, etc. All of them stimulate the natural immunity of a person and suppress the reproduction of viruses in the body. The final decision on the use of a particular drug will help the physician, based on the complexity, severity and type of the disease.