Rupture of the knee joint meniscus - treatment without surgery

Those people who have life conditions associated with permanent physical exertion, suffering from excessive weight, as well as elderly people are at risk, in which a break in the meniscus is quite common. In young people, the gap is more often associated with injuries while playing sports, the elderly develop a degenerative rupture of the meniscus, although they can also suffer from injuries, for example, when falling in ice.

Treatment of a meniscus rupture without surgery

Meniscus is an important part of the knee joint. It is located at the junction of bones between them as an interlayer. Its cartilaginous structure ensures normal smooth mobility of the joint. A meniscus rupture results in a sensation of pain, swelling, partial or complete immobility of the lower limb, so it is important to immediately begin treatment after the appearance of the problem. In case of severe damage, it may be necessary to resort to surgery, and this gives a good result in a short time. About, whether it is possible to cure a rupture of the knee joint meniscus, and how to do it without surgery, and there will be a speech.

How to cure a meniscus rupture without surgery?

Many ask the question of whether it is possible to do without an operation with a meniscus rupture. It all depends on the severity of the damage and the significance of the rupture of the cartilaginous tissue. The methods of non-surgical treatment include the following:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to provide peace to the patient.
  2. It is necessary to raise and fix in this position the injured limb, so as not to cause puffiness.
  3. Apply ice or make a cooling dressing to reduce the tumor and relieve the pain. Do this for a day or twenty minutes.
  4. After a thorough examination and determination of the degree of damage, as well as possible necessary manipulations performed by a specialist, you need a rigid fixation in the form of a knee bandage or plaster bandage. This will prevent further damage to the meniscus.
  5. When traveling, in order not to load a diseased knee, you can use a cane or crutches.
  6. According to the doctor's prescription, take painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors .

Subsequently, you need to undergo a rehabilitation course, which includes:

Methods for treating knee joint meniscus rupture without surgery

It should be mentioned that from the two menisci of the knee joint - external and internal, injuries and tears are more susceptible to the inner one, since it is more mobile. The cause of degenerative rupture may be several, for example, simultaneous rotation of the joint.

With minor discontinuities of the meniscus, effective methods can be the following:

With any injury to the knee joint, you need to be patient and do not hesitate with the treatment.